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The Spider (al-Ankabut) -29


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 29
29 Al-‘Ankabut

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Alif, Lam, Mim.
2. Do people imagine that they will be left alone on saying: “We believe,” without being tried?
3. We did, indeed, try those before them, so that God may distinguish those who are truthful from those who are liars.
4. Or do they imagine that they will escape (Our judgment)? Ill is their judgment.
5. Whoever hopes to meet God, then meeting Him is forthcoming, and He is all-Hearing, all-Knowing.
6. Whoever strives hard does so only for his own good; verily God is independent of all creation.
7. We shall blot out the sins of those who believe and do good deeds, and We shall reward them with the best of what they were doing.
8. We have enjoined man to be good unto his parents. Should both of them strive to make you associate (other gods) with Me, without having any knowledge thereof, then do not obey them. To Me is your return, and I shall inform you of what you were doing.
9. We shall lodge those who believe and do good deeds among the righteous.
10. Among people are there those who say: “We believe in God.” When they are persecuted in the Way of God, they think that people’s persecution is a sign of God’s chastisement; yet if your Lord’s aid comes unto them, they would certainly say: “Verily, we were with you.” Does not God know best what is in the bosoms of all the people of the worlds?
11. God shall certainly distinguish those who believe and those who are hypocrites.
12. Those who disbelieve say to those who believe: “Follow our path, and we will certainly bear your sins.” They shall not bear any of their sins; indeed they are liars.
13. They shall certainly bear their own burdens and (other) burdens with theirs, too, and they shall certainly be questioned on the Day of Judgment about what they were forging.
14. We did, indeed, send Noah (as messenger) to his people, and he stayed among them for a thousand years and fifty, and the deluge seized them while they were unjust.
15. So We rescued him and those who accompanied him in the ark and made them a sign to the nations of the world.
16. And (also) Abraham who said to his people: “Worship God (alone) and fear Him; this is best for you, if only you know.
17. “What you worship besides God is nothing but idols; you forge a lie; verily those whom you worship besides God have no sustenance for you; so, seek God’s sustenance, and worship Him. Give thanks to Him, for to Him shall you all be returned.
18. “If you reject (the truth), then indeed nations before you rejected it, and nothing is incumbent upon the messenger except the delivery of a clear message.”
19. Have they not seen how God originates the creation then causes it to return again? Verily this is easy for God.
20. Say: “Travel in the world and see how He originates the creation; He shall likewise bring the later development; verily God has power over all things.
21. “He tortures whomsoever He pleases and grant His mercy to whomsoever He wills, and to Him will you all be returned.
22. “You shall not frustrate His Might on earth, nor in the heaven, and there is none for you other than Him to protect or aid.”
23. Those who disbelieved in God’s signs and in meeting Him despaired of My Mercy, and these it is who shall have a painful torment.
24. The answer of his people was nothing except that they said: “Slay him, or burn him.” Then God delivered him from the fire; verily in this are signs for people who believe.
25. He (Abraham) said: “You have only taken for yourselves idols besides God in friendship between you in the life of this world, then on the Day of Judgment, some of you shall deny others and some of you shall curse the others; your abode shall be the Fire, and you shall have no helper.”
26. Lot believed in Him and said: “I am leaving (others) for my Lord, for verily He is the Almighty, the all-Wise.”
27. We bestowed upon him Isaac and Jacob and ordained prophethood and the Book to his progeny; We granted him a recompense in this life, and in the hereafter he shall be among the righteous.
28. Lot said to his people: “Verily you commit lewdness to which none among the nations of the world has ever preceded you.
29. “Do you approach men (in lust) and cut the highways, and you commit evil deeds in your assemblies?” The answer of his people was nothing other than they said: “Bring us the chastisement of God if you are truthful.”
30. He (Lot) said: “Lord! Help me against the mischiefmakers!”
31. When Our messengers came to Abraham with glad tidings, they said: “Verily we are destroying the people of this town for they are unjust people.”
32. He (Abraham) said: “Lot is surely therein.” They said: “We know best who is in it; we shall certainly rescue him and his family save his wife; she shall lag behind.”
33. When Our messengers came to Lot, he grieved on their account and felt powerless (to protect them). They said: “Do not fear or grieve. We shall deliver you and your family save your wife; she shall stay behind.
34. “Verily, we are bringing down a punishment upon the people of this town from heaven for what they were transgressing.”
35. We have, indeed, left a clear sign of it for people who understand.
36. And to Midian (We sent) their brother Shu’ayb. He said: “O my people! Worship God (alone), and fear the Last Day, and do not indulge in evil on earth, making mischief.”
37. But they rejected him; so, an earthquake seized them, and they lay (dead) in their abodes, motionless.
38. And We (destroyed) Ad and Thamud, and indeed it had been made manifest to you from their dwellings (now in ruins). Satan rendered their deeds fair-seeming to them; so, he kept them away from the (right) Path, though they were endowed with sight.
39. And (We destroyed) Korah, Pharaoh, and Haman. Moses brought them clear proofs, but they behaved arrogantly in the world, and they were not the first.
40. So, each We seized for his sin. Of them was he on whom We sent a stone-laden violent gale. Of them was he whom the blast seized. Of them was he whom We caused to be swallowed up in the earth, and of them was he whom We drowned. It was not God Who did them injustice; they were themselves committing injustice.
41. The similitude of those who take others for guardians besides God is like the spider that makes for itself a house; verily the frailest of all houses is the spider’s, if they only know.
42. Verily, God knows whatever they invoke besides Him, and He is the Almighty, the all-Wise.
43. We set forth such similitudes to people, yet none comprehend them except the learned ones.
44. God created the heavens and the earth in truth; verily in this there is a sign for those who believe.
45. Recite what has been revealed unto you of the Book, and establish prayers; verily prayer restrains from filth and evilness. Verily, remembering God is the greatest (duty), and God knows what you do.
46. Do not argue with the people of the Book but in the best manner, except those among them who act unjustly, and say: “We have believed in what has been sent down to us and to you; our God and yours is One, and we submit to Him.”
47. Thus have We revealed the Book (Qur’an) unto you. Those whom We have given the Book believe therein, and among these are those who also believe in it, and none dispute about Our signs except the disbelievers.
48. You never recited any book before it (Qur’an), nor did you ever transcribe one with your hand; then those who utter falsehood would have doubted it.
49. Nay! It (Qur’an) is but a clear sign in the hearts of those who have been endowed with knowledge, and none disputes Our signs except the unjust ones.
50. They say: “Why has no sign been sent down unto him from his Lord?” Say (O Our Prophet Muhammad): “The signs are with God (alone), and I am only a clear warner.”
51. Is it not enough for them that We have sent down unto you the Book which is recited to them? Verily in this there is mercy and a reminder for people who believe.
52. Say: “God suffices for a witness between me and you; He knows what is in the heavens and the earth; those who believe in falsehood and disbelieve in God shall certainly be the losers.”
53. They challenge you to hasten the chastisement upon them. Had not the term been decreed, chastisement would certainly have come to them suddenly while they do not perceive it.
54. They challenge you to hasten the chastisement on them and verily Hell will encompass the disbelievers.
55. On the Day when the chastisement covers them, from above them and from beneath their feet, He shall say: “Taste what you were doing.”
56. O My servants who believe! Verily My earth is vast; therefore, you should worship Me alone.
57. Every soul shall taste death; then to Us will you all be returned.
58. We shall certainly lodge those who believe and do good deeds in exalted places, gardens beneath which rivers flow; they shall abide therein forever; how excellent is the reward of those who act rightly!
59. Those who are steadfast and on their Lord they rely.
60. How many moving creatures that do not carry their sustenance does God sustain? God sustains them and your own selves; He is the all-Hearing, the all-Knowing.
61. If you ask them: “Who created the heavens and the earth and made the sun and the moon subservient?” They will certainly say: “God.” So, whence are they turned away?
62. God makes sustenance abundant for whomsoever He wills of His servants. He (similarly) causes it to be straitened from others; verily God is well-Cognizant of all things.
63. If you ask them: “Who sends water down from heaven and thereby gives life to a land that had died?” They will certainly say: “God.” Say: “All praise is His.” Nay! Most of them do not understand.
64. This life is but a vain sport and play, and verily the abode of the hereafter is the true life if you only know.
65. When they embark upon a ship, they sincerely invoke God, vowing to worship Him, and when He brings them safely to land, behold, they associate (others with Him).
66. Let them not offer thanks for what We have granted them, and let them enjoy it; but soon shall they come to know.
67. Have they not seen how We have established a sacred precinct that is secure, while people are ravaged all around them? Will they yet believe in falsehood, disbelieving in God’s bounty?
68. Who is more unjust than he who forges a lie against God or belies the truth when it comes to him? Is not in Hell an abode for the disbelievers?
69. We shall certainly guide those who strive hard for Us to Our ways, and verily God is with those who do good deeds.

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