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The Believers (al-Mu’minun) -23


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 23
23 Al-Muminun

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Successful, indeed, are the believers,
2. Who are humble while offering their supplications,
3. Who keep themselves aloof from vain talk,
4. And who purify themselves by offering zakat;
5. They guard their modesty,
6. Except from their wives or those whom their right hands possess, for then they are not to be blamed.
7. Whosoever seeks beyond that, then they are the ones who transgress all bounds.
8. (Believers are) the ones who honour their trusts and safeguard their pledge,
9. They are keenly mindful of their prayers,
10. They, indeed, are the ones who shall be the inheritors;
11. They shall inherit Paradise, therein they shall (forever) abide.
12. We have surely created man of an extract of clay.
13. Then We placed him as a sperm in a secure resting place.
14. Then We made the sperm a clot, then the clot a lump of flesh, then We made the lump of flesh bones, then We clothed the bones with flesh, then We made it into another creation; so, praised be God, the Best of Creators.
15. Then verily thereafter you (all) shall die.
16. Then you shall certainly be raised on the Day of Judgment.
17. We have surely made above you seven paths (heavens); of none of Our creation are We heedless.
18. We sent down water from the heavens in a (certain) measure, and We caused it to settle in the earth, and We surely are able even to take that away.
19. We grew therewith gardens of date palms and grapes for you, and for you are plentiful fruits therein from which you eat,
20. And a tree grows out of Mount Sinai producing oil and a condiment for those who (wish to) eat,
21. Verily, there is a lesson for you in the cattle: We provide you with milk from what is in their bellies, and there are benefits for you in them in abundance, and of them do you eat.
22. And on them, and on board ships, are you borne.
23. We surely sent Noah to his people and he said: “O people! Worship God (alone); you have no other god besides Him; will you not then guard (yourselves against evil)?”
24. But the chiefs of those who disbelieved from among his people said: “Here is a man like yourselves who intends to exalt himself above you; had God willed, He would certainly have sent angels (instead). We have heard of none of this from our fathers of old;
25. “He is certainly but a possessed man; so, bear with him for some time.”
26. He (Noah) said: “Lord! Assist me against their calling me a liar.”
27. So We revealed to him: “Make the ark according to Our own insight and inspiration, and when Our command comes, and the water gushes out from the oven, take into it two of each and every pair, and your family, except that regarding whom We had already said a word, and do not plead unto Me on behalf of those who have wronged their own selves, for verily they shall be drowned.”
28. When you and all who accompanying you settle (in the ark), say: ‘All praise is due to God Who delivered us from the unjust people.’
29. “And say: `Lord! Enable me to disembark at a blessed landing place, for You are the best of those who (help) disembark.’”
30. In this are sure signs, and We do put people to the test.
31. Then we raised after them another generation.
32. Then We sent them a messenger from among them to “Worship God, for you have no god other than Him; will you not guard (yourselves against evil)?”
33. The chiefs among his people who disbelieved and rejected the meeting in the hereafter, those upon whom We granted the riches of this life, said: “This is but a man like our own selves! He eats of what you eat, and he drinks of what you drink!
34. “If you follow a man like your own selves, you will certainly then be the losers.
35. “He promises you that you will be brought back to life even after you die and turn into dust!
36. “Far is what you are promised (from the truth);
37. “It is nothing but life in this world. We die, and we live, and we shall never be raised again.
38. “He is none but a man who has forged a lie about God, and we shall not believe in him.”
39. He said: “Lord! Assist me against their charging me of lying.”
40. He said: “After a while, they shall soon regret.”
41. The (awful) cry overtook them, and We turned them into rubbish; so away with all unjust people!
42. Then We brought forth another generation;
43. No nation shall be brought forth before its fixed time, nor is it capable of postponing it.
44. Then We sent Our messengers, one after the other. Whenever a messenger is sent to a people, they rejected him; so We caused some to follow others, and made others but tales; therefore, away with those who do not believe.
45. Then We sent Moses and his brother Aaron with Our signs and (vested upon them) a manifest authority,
46. (We sent them) to Pharaoh and his chieftains, but they behaved arrogantly, and they were haughty people.
47. So they said: “Shall we believe in two human beings like us whose people are in servitude to us?!”
48. So they rejected them, and they joined those whom We destroyed.
49. We bestowed the Book upon Moses so that they might receive true guidance.
50. We made Mary’s son, and his mother, a sign, and We elevated them both to a lofty place, restful, secure, and watered with springs.
51. O messengers! Eat of the good things, and do good deeds, for surely I know what you do.
52. Yet they have certainly rent themselves into sects. Yours is but one nation, and I am your Lord; so, fear (only) Me.
53. Each party among them rejoices in what they possess.
54. So leave them in their overwhelming ignorance till a certain time.
55. They think that the wealth and children with which We provide them.
56. Are (tokens of Our) hastening the good things to them. Nay! They do not perceive.
57. Those who are apprehensive of their Lord’s displeasure,
58. While believing in the signs of their Lord,
59. Those who do not associate any with their Lord,
60. Those who spend in charity of what We give them while their hearts are filled with fear of their Lord, they are the ones who shall return to their Lord,
61. They are the ones who hasten to do good deeds and are the foremost to (attain) them.
62. We do not task a soul more than it can bear, and there is a Book with Us that speaks the truth; they shall never be dealt with unjustly.
63. Nay! Their hearts are in overwhelming ignorance about this, and they even commit other deeds too.
64. So when We seize those among them who enjoyed luxuries with Our chastisement, behold! They cry in supplication!
65. Do not groan this day! You shall certainly receive no help;
66. Indeed, My signs were recited unto you, but you used to turn your heels to them;
67. Puffed up with pride about it, foolishly discoursing by night.
68. Did they ever deliberate upon Our Word, or did they receive something which never came to their forefathers before?
69. Or were they unfamiliar with their (respective) messenger and therefore they rejected him?
70. Or do they (simply) say that he is crazed? Nay! He has brought them nothing but the truth, yet most of them hate the truth.
71. Should the truth be subjected to their own vain desires, then the heavens, the earth, and all that is in them, shall suffer confusion and corruption. Nay! We brought them a reminder, but they turned aside from their own reminder.
72. Or is it that you ask them for a tribute? Your Lord’s recompense is the best, and He is the best of sustainers.
73. Verily you call them to the Straight Path;
74. Indeed those who do not believe in the hereafter deviate from the (Straight) Path.
75. Should We have mercy on them and relieve them of their distress, they would obstinately persist in their transgression, blindly wandering on.
76. Indeed, We seized them with a chastisement, but they neither submitted to their Lord, nor did they supplicate.
77. Till We opened upon them a gate of severe torment in which they despaired.
78. He it is Who created for you the hearing, the sight, the hearts; little do you give thanks.
79. He it is Who multiplied you in the earth, and to Him (alone) shall you be gathered.
80. And He it is Who grants life and brings death, and in His control is the alternation of the night and the day; do you not then understand?
81. Nay! But they said just as the ancients had said;
82. They said: “When we die and become dust and bones, shall we still be raised again?
83. “This is something we, and our forefathers before us, were promised; but it is nothing other than fables of the ancients.”
84. Say: “To whom does the earth and everything that is in it belong, if you have knowledge?”
85. They will say: “To God;” say: “Will you then reflect?”
86. Say: “Who is the Lord of the seven heavens and the Great Throne?”
87. They will say: “God.” Say: “Will you not then fear (Him)?”
88. Say: “In Whose hands is the Kingdom of all things, and Who protects and is never (Himself) protected, if you know?”
89. They will say: “God.” Say: “From whence are you beguiled?”
90. Nay! We have brought them the truth, and they are the liars (themselves).
91. God never took to Him a son, and no god has ever been besides Him; otherwise, each god would certainly have taken away what he had created, and one would certainly have overpowered the other(s). Far, indeed, from the glory of God is what they attribute.
92. He knows the unseen; He is above what they associate with Him.
93. Say: “Lord! Would you let me see what (chastisement) they are promised?
94. “Then Lord do not place me among the unjust people!”
95. Verily, We are well able to make you see what We have promised them.
96. So repel evil with that which is the best; We best know what they attribute.
97. And say: “Lord! I seek refuge in You from the temptations of the devils.
98. “I seek refuge in You, Lord, from their access to me.”
99. So, when death approaches one of them, he says: “Lord! Send me back again,
100. “So that I may do good deeds which I have never done.” Nay! It is but a word he utters. There shall be a barrier behind them till the day they are raised again.
101. When the trumpet is blown, there will be no ties of kinship among them on that day, nor shall they ask one another.
102. Then those whose scales are heavy shall be the successful ones;
103. While those whose scales are light shall lose their souls and abide (forever) in Hell.
104. The Fire shall scorch their faces, and they shall be groaning therein.
105. “Were My signs not rehearsed to you, and you used to disbelieve in them?”
106. They shall answer: “Lord! Our ill-luck overcame us, and we were people who strayed.
107. “Lord! Take us out of it. If we ever return (to evil), then we shall be the unjust ones.”
108. You shall be driven down into it, and do not speak to Me!
109. In truth, there used to be a party among My servants who said: “Lord! We believe, so forgive us and have mercy upon us; You are the best of the merciful ones.”
110. Yet you ridiculed them and neglected remembering Me, while you even laughed at them.
111. I have, indeed, rewarded them this day for their patience; they are the victorious.
112. He said: “How many years did you remain on earth?”
113. They said: “We tarried a day or a part of a day; so ask those who keep account.”
114. “You tarried but a short while, if you only know.”
115. Do you think then that We created you in vain, and that you shall not be returned to Us?
116. Most exalted is God, the True King; there is no god but He, Lord of the Throne of Grace.
117. Whoever invokes any besides God, having no proof thereof, will have his reckoning with his Lord; verily the disbelievers shall never succeed.
118 And say: “Lord! Forgive and have mercy; You are the best of those who offer mercy.”

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