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The Prophets (al-Anbiya) -21


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 21
21 Al-Anbiya’

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful
1. Nigh has drawn to people (the day of) their reckoning, yet they heedlessly are turning aside.
2. Every time a new reminder comes to them from their Lord, they hear it, and they get busy in sport.
3. Preoccupied with trifles and discoursing in secret are those who did wrong (saying): “Is this (man) other than a human being like your own selves? What?! Will you then yield to sorcery while you see (it)?!”
4. He said: “My Lord (well) knows (every) word in the heavens and the earth, and He is the all-Hearing, the all-Knowing.”
5. Nay! They say: “(These are) medleys of dreams! Nay! He has forged it! Nay! He is a poet; let him then bring us a Sign like the ones that were sent to the former ones (Messengers).”
6. None of the people of the towns which We destroyed before them believed. What?! Will these (now) believe?!
7. And We sent none before you except men to whom We revealed, so ask the people of the Reminder if you do not know.
8. We did not give them bodies which did not eat food, nor were they to abide (in this world) forever.
9. Then We fulfilled to them Our Promise, and We saved them and those whom We willed, and We destroyed the extravagant ones.
10. Indeed We have sent down to you a Book (Qur’an) wherein is your remembrance; what! Do you not then understand?
11. How many a town (the people of) which were iniquitous did We destroy, and We raised up after it another people?
12. So when they felt (the coming of) Our torment, lo, they tried to flee therefrom.
13. (We said): “Flee not but return to that wherein you revelled, and to your dwellings, haply you will be questioned.”
14. They said: “Oh! Woe unto us! Verily we were unjust!”
15. And their cry never ceased till We made them like reaped corn, extinct,
16. We did not create the heavens and the earth and what is between them for sport.
17. Had We intended that We should take amusement, We could certainly have taken it from (the things) with Us, if We would have done it.
18. Nay! We hurl the truth upon falsehood, that it crushes its head, and lo! It vanishes, and woe unto you for what you described (of God).
19. His is whatsoever in the heavens and in the earth; those who are with Him are not proud to worship Him, nor do they get weary.
20. They glorify (Him) by night and by day, and they never intermit.
21. Or have they taken gods from the earth who can raise (the dead)?
22. Had there been in (the heavens and the earth other) gods except God, both (heavens and earth) would have been in disorder; so glorified is God, Lord of the Arsh (throne) from what they attribute (to Him).
23. He is not questioned about what He does, but they shall be questioned.
24. Have they taken besides Him other gods? Say (O Our Messenger Muhammad!): “Bring your proof. This (Qur’an) is the Reminder to those with me, and the Reminder to those before me; nay! Most of them do not know the truth, so they turn aside.”
25. And We did not send any Messenger before you (O Our Messenger Muhammad!) but We revealed to him that “Verily there is no god but I; so worship Me (Alone).”
26. And they say: “The Beneficent (God) has taken to Him a son.” Glory be to Him! Nay! They are (His) honoured servants.
27. They speak not before He speaks, and they act only on His bidding.
28. He knows what is before them and what is behind them, and they cannot intercede but for him whom He approves and they, of fearing Him, tremble.
29. And whosoever of them says: “Verily I am god” besides Him, such one We will recompense with Hell; thus do We recompense the iniquitous.
30. Can those who disbelieve not see that the heavens and the earth were one piece, and that We cleft them asunder, and We made of water everything alive? Will they not then believe?
31. And We have made in the earth (lofty) mountains (standing firm) lest it should shake with them, and We have made therein broad highways that they may be guided aright.
32. And We have made the heavens a canopy, well-guarded, and yet they, from its Signs, turn aside.
33. And He it is Who created the night and the day, the sun and the moon, all in their (respective) orbits move.
34. We did not grant any man before you life eternal. What then if you die, will they live forever?
35. Every soul shall have the taste of death; We try you with evil and with good (by the way of) test; and to Us shall you all be returned;
36. When you behold those who disbelieve, they treat you with nothing but ridicule (saying): “Is this the one who speaks of your gods?” while they, at the mention of the Beneficent (God), are themselves disbelievers.
37. Man is made of haste; I shall show you My Signs, so ask Me not to hasten (on).
38. And they say: “When will this promise (of threat) come to pass, if you are truthful?”
39. If only those who disbelieve come to know when they shall not be able to keep off (hell) fire from their faces and backs nor shall they be helped.
40. Nay! But it shall come on them suddenly, and it shall make them confounded, so they shall neither be able to repel it, nor will they be respited.
41. And indeed (some) of the messengers before you were ridiculed too, but those who ridiculed were surrounded by that (very torment) which they had been ridiculing.
42. Say (O Our Messenger Muhammad!): “Who can protect you by night and by day from the Beneficent (God)?” Nay! They from the remembrance of their Lord turn aside.
43. Or have they gods who can protect them from Us? They have no power to help their own selves, nor shall they ever be protected from Us.
44. Nay! We provided (enjoyment) to these and their fathers until the period grew long for them. What?! See they not that We come to the land, shortening its borders? Shall they then be the prevailing ones?
45. Say (O Our Messenger Muhammad!): “Verily I do but warn you by the revelation (from God);” but the deaf will not hear the call whenever they are warned.
46. And yet if a blast of your Lord’s punishment touches them, they will certainly say: “Woe unto us! Verily we had been unjust!”
47. And We shall set up the balances of justice on the Day of Judgment, so no soul shall be dealt with unjustly in the least, and even if there be the weight of a grain of mustard seed, (even that) We will bring it (into account), and sufficient are We as reckoners.
48. Indeed We did grant Moses and Aaron the (Book of) Criterion (between right and wrong), and light and a reminder for the pious -
49. Who fear their unseen Lord, and of the Hour (of doom) they are frightened.
50. This (Qur’an) is a blessed Reminder which We have sent down (to Our Messenger Muhammad). Do you then deny it?
51. And indeed We gave to Abraham his rectitude before, and We did know him well.
52. (Recollect, O Our Messenger Muhammad!) when (Abraham) said to his father and his people: “What are these images to which you (as devotees) cleave?”
53. They said: “We found our fathers worshipping them.”
54. He said: “Indeed you and your fathers had been in manifest error.”
55. They said: “Have you brought us the truth, or are you of the jesters?”
56. He said: “Nay! Your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, Who has created them, and I to this am a witness.
57. “And by God, I will scheme against your idols after you go away, turning back.”
58. So he broke them into pieces except the chief among them so that they may haply return (to their better judgment).
59. They said: “Who has done this to our gods? Verily this is of the unjust ones.”
60. (Some others) said: “We heard a youth speak of them; he is called Abraham.”
61. They said: “Then bring him before the eyes of the people that they may bear witness.”
62. They said: “Have you done this to our gods, O Abraham?”
63. (Abraham) said: “Nay! The chief of them has done it! It is this (idol)! So ask them, if they can speak at all!”
64. Then they turned to themselves and said: “Verily you yourselves are the unjust ones.”
65. Then they were confounded in their heads (and they helplessly said): “You know fully well that these (idols) do not speak!”
66. (Abraham) said: “What! Do you worship then besides God what profits you naught, nor can they do you any harm either?
67. “Fie upon you and upon what you worship besides God! What?! Do you not understand?!”
68. They said: “Burn him and help your gods if you can do (anything at all).”
69. We said, “O fire! Be cool and a (means of) safety for Abraham.”
70. And they intended a scheme against him, but We made them the losers.
71. And We delivered him and (also) Lot, (and took them safely) to the land which We have blessed for all nations of the world.
72. And We bestowed upon him Isaac and Jacob as an additional gift, and We made all of them righteous.
73. And We made them leaders guiding (people) by Our Command, and We revealed to them the doing of good, the establishing of prayer, the giving of alms, and (only) Us did they worship.
74. And to Lot We granted wisdom and knowledge, and We delivered him from the town whose people were doing filthy deeds, for they were evil people, perverts.
75. And We admitted him into Our mercy; verily he was of the righteous.
76. (Remember) Noah, when he cried aforetime. We responded to him and delivered him and his companions from the great calamity.
77. And We helped him against his people who rejected Our Signs; verily they were evil people, so We drowned them all.
78. And David and Solomon when they were judging about the cornfield when the sheep of certain people pastured in it by night, and We to their judgment were Witnesses.
79. Then We made Solomon to understand it, and to each one We gave wisdom and knowledge, and We made the mountains and the birds subservient to David, to sing hymns of (Our praise), and We were the doers.
80. And We taught him the art of making the coat of mail for you that you might protect yourselves in your wars; will you then be grateful?
81. And to Solomon (We subjected) the wind blowing violently at his command to the land wherein We had blessed, and We are of all things the Knowers.
82. And of the satans there were those who used to dive for him and to do other work besides that, and We were guardians over them.
83. And (remember) Job (Ayyub), when he cried to his Lord (saying): “Verily distress has touched me, and You are the Most Merciful of the merciful ones!”
84. So We responded to him and We removed that which distressed him and We restored his people to him and even doubled their number as a mercy from Us and a Reminder to the worshippers (of Us).
85. And (remember) Ishmael and Idris and Zulkifl; all were of the patient ones.
86. We admitted them into Our mercy; verily they were of the righteous.
87. And (remember) Jonah (Thul-Nun, i.e. Younus) when he went in anger and imagined that We would not have power over him; then he cried out from the darkness: “There is no god but You! Glory be to you; verily I was of the unjust ones!”
88. Then We responded to him and delivered him from the distress, thus do We deliver the believers.
89. And (remember) Zachariah when he cried to his Lord: “O Lord! Do not leave me alone (without offspring) though You are the best of heirs!”
90. Then We responded to him and granted him John (Yahya) and cured his wife (of her barrenness); verily they did vie in goodness and did call unto Us with love and reverence and were to Us humbled.
91. And (O Our Messenger Muhammad!) Remember her (Mary) who guarded her chastity. We breathed into her Our Spirit, and We made her and her son a Sign to all peoples.
92. Verily this Brotherhood of yours is a single Brotherhood, and I am your Lord! Therefore worship Me (alone).
93. But they have rent this (Brotherhood) asunder (into sects), and yet to Us shall all of them return.
94. So whosoever shall do good deeds and he is a believer, there shall be no rejection of his endeavour, and verily We will write it down for him.
95. There is a ban on any people of the towns which We destroyed that they shall never return,
96. Until Gog and Magog are let loose, and they shall from every elevation hasten forth.
97. And the true promise shall draw nigh, then lo! The eyes of those who disbelieve shall stare in amazement; (and they shall say): “Woe to us! Indeed we were in heedlessness as to this; nay! We were the unjust ones.”
98. Verily you and what you worship besides God shall be the fuel of Hell (fire); to it shall you (surely) come.
99. Had these been gods, they would not have got there, but they shall all abide therein.
100. For them therein shall be groaning, and they shall not hear therein (any other sound).
101. Verily those for whom goodness from Us was sent forth, those from it (Hell) shall be kept away.
102. They will not hear (even) the slightest sound of it (Hell) and they in what their souls desire shall abide.
103. Grief shall not reach them nor the great terror, and the angels shall meet them (saying): “This is your Day which you were promised.”
104. On that Day We will roll up the heavens as the written scroll is rolled up; just as We caused the first creation, so will We start a new one. (It is) a promise binding on Us, verily We were doing it.
105. And indeed We did write in the Psalms (Zabur) after the Reminder (Torah) that My righteous Servants shall inherit the earth.
106. Verily in this (Qur’an) is a message for people who worship (Us).
107. And We did not send you (O Our Messenger Muhammad!) but as a mercy for all the worlds.
108. Say: “It has only been revealed to me that your God is One God; will you then submit (to Him)?”
109. And if they turn back, say: “I have warned you all alike, and I know not whether nigh or far is that which you are promised.
110. “Verily He knows what is spoken aloud and He knows too what you hide.
111. “And I know not haply this (respite) may be a trial for you and a provision until a time.”
112. (The Messenger Muhammad, praying) said: “Lord! Judge with the truth, and Our Lord is the Beneficent Whose help is sought against what you (people) ascribe (to Him).”

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