
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Ta Ha -20


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 20
20 Ta Ha

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful
1. Ta Ha.
2. We did not send the Qur’an to you (O Our Messenger Muhammad!) so that you distress yourself!
3. Save as a Reminder to him who fears God.
4. (It is) a Missive (sent down) from Him Who created the earth and the heavens on high.
5. The Beneficent (God), firm on the Arsh (throne of authority).
6. His is whatever in the heavens and in the earth, and what is between them twain, and what is beneath the lowest of the low below the earth.
7. And if you speak aloud (or whisper), verily He knows all that is secret and whatsoever is yet more hidden.
8. God, there is no god but He; His are all the very Best Names.
9. Has the story of Moses come to you?
10. When he saw a fire, he said to his family, “Tarry here, for verily I perceive a fire; haply I may bring you a brand from it, or I may find at the fire some guidance.”
11. So when he came to it (the fire), a voice called: “O Moses!
12. “Verily I am your Lord! So take off your shoes; you are in the sacred valley of Tuwa.
13. “And I have chosen you (for Prophethood), so hearken to what is revealed (to you)!
14. “Verily I (alone) am God; there is no god but I; worship (only) Me, and establish prayer for My Remembrance!
15. “Verily the Hour (of Doom) is sure to come but My design is to keep it hidden, so that every soul may be recompensed with what it endeavours.
16. “Therefore do not let him who does not believe in it, who follows his own vain desires, turn you away from the truth else you should perish.
17. “And what is this in your hand, O Moses?”
18. He said: “This is my staff; I recline on it, and I beat down leaves with it for my sheep, and for me therein other uses too.”
19. He said: “Cast it down, O Moses!”
20. So when he cast it down, lo, it was a serpent running.
21. He said: “Take hold of it, and have no fear, for We shall restore it to its former state.
22. “And place your hand under your armpit, it shall come forth white without any harm, another Sign (miracle),
23. “That We may show you of Our greater Signs (miracles).
24. “Go to Pharaoh! Verily he has transgressed all bounds!”
25. Said he, “Lord! Expand my breast,
26. “And make my task easy for me,
27. “And loosen the knot of my tongue,
28. “(So that) they may understand my speech,
29. “And appoint for me an aide from my family,
30. “Aaron my brother,
31. “Strengthen my back by him,
32. “And associate him in my affair,
33. “So that we may glorify You much,
34. “And remember You much,
35. “Verily You are over-seeing over us.”
36. He (God) said: “Granted is your prayer, O Moses!”
37. And indeed We conferred Our favour on you at another time (before),
38. When We revealed to your mother what was revealed,
39. That: “Cast him into a chest, then cast it into the sea, then the sea shall throw him ashore;” there he shall be taken by one who is an enemy to Me and an enemy to him; and I cast down (the garment of) love over you from Me (that everyone may love you); so that you might be brought up under My eyes (as I please):
40. Behold! Your sister went (to Pharaoh’s wife) and said: “Shall I show you one who will take care of him?” So We brought you back to your mother so that her eyes might be cooled and she might grieve no more; and you even killed a man (and were perturbed) and We saved you from the grief and We tried you with a heavy trial and then you tarried among the people of Midian, then you came hither as ordained (by Us), O Moses!
41. And I have chosen you for Myself;
42. Go, you and your brother, with my Signs (miracles) and do not slacken either of you in remembering Me.
43. Go both of you to Pharaoh, verily he has transgressed (the bounds).
44. Then speak both of you to him a gentle word, haply he may get admonished or fear (Our retribution).
45. Both (Moses and Aaron) said: “Lord! Verily we fear lest he should hasten with insolence against us or lest he should transgress all bounds.”
46. He (God) said: “Fear not, both of you; verily I am with you both; I do hear and see,
47. “So go both of you to him and say: `Verily we are messengers from your Lord; so, send with us the children of Israel and do not torment them! Indeed we have brought Signs (miracles) from your Lord; and peace will be to him who follows the guidance;
48. “Verily, it has indeed been revealed to us that the chastisement shall certainly come upon him who lies and turns back.”
49. (Pharaoh) Said: “And who is the lord of both of you, O Moses?”
50. He (Moses) said: “Our Lord is He Who gave to everything its (suitable) form and then (also) guided it aright.”
51. (Pharaoh) Said: “What then is the state of the past generations?”
52. He said: “The knowledge thereof is with my Lord in a Book (secured by Him); my Lord does not err, nor does He forget.”
53. He Who made the earth for you a bed and made for you paths therein, and sent down from the heavens water; then We have brought forth thereby pairs of plants various (in kinds),
54. Eat and pasture your cattle; verily in this are Signs for those who are endowed with understanding.
55. From the (earth) did We create you, and into it will We return you, and out of it will We bring you forth a second time.
56. And indeed We showed him Our Signs, all of them, but he belied and refused (to believe).
57. Said he: “Have you come to us so that you turn us out of our land by your sorcery, O Moses?!
58. “Then we too will certainly produce before you a sorcery like it, so make between us and you a tryst which we will not fail nor should you, in a place where both (parties) shall have even chances.”
59. (Moses) Said: “Your tryst shall be the day of the festival, and let the people be gathered together in the bright of the noon.”
60. So Pharaoh turned back and collected his crafts and thereafter he came.
61. Moses said to them: “Woe unto you! Do not forge a lie against God lest He should destroy you by a chastisement; whoever forges a lie shall certainly fail.”
62. Then they (magicians) disputed about their affair among themselves, and they kept their talk a secret.
63. (At last) they said: “These two are certainly (expert) sorcerers who intend to drive you out of your land by their sorcery and wipe out your most exemplary tradition!
64. “So muster your plan then come in an (organized) order; and indeed whoever overcomes this day shall gain the upper hand.”
65. They said: “O Moses! Either you cast (first) or we shall be the first to cast down.”
66. (Moses) said: “Nay! You cast down (first)!” Then lo! Their cords and rods seemed to him by their sorcery as if they were running.
67. Then Moses felt fear within himself.
68. Said We: “Fear not! Verily you shall be the uppermost!
69. “And cast down what is in your right hand; it shall swallow up whatever they have wrought; verily they have wrought by the plan of a sorcerer, and a sorcerer shall never be successful whatever his manner (of skill) may be.”
70. Then the sorcerers fell down prostrating and they said: “We believe in the Lord of Aaron and Moses!”
71. (Pharaoh) said: “Do you believe in him before I give you leave? Verily he is your chief (sorcerer) who taught you sorcery; I shall therefore cut off your hands and your feet on the opposite sides, and I will crucify you on the trunks of palm trees, then you will certainly come to know which of us is more severe in tormenting and more abiding!”
72. They said: “Never shall we prefer you to what has come to us of the clear Signs, to Him Who made us; so, decree whatever you will, for you can decree only about the life of this world,
73. “Verily we do believe in our Lord that He may forgive us our sins and the sorcery you compelled us (to do); and God is the Best and the Most Abiding!”
74. Verily for him who comes to his Lord as a sinner shall be Hell; he shall never die in it nor shall he live.
75. And whosoever comes to Him as a believer, having done good deeds, for them are ranks that are sublime,
76. Gardens of Eternity beneath which rivers flow to abide therein, and such is the recompense of the one who purifies himself (from evil).
77. Indeed We revealed to Moses: “Travel by night with My servants and strike for them a dry path in the sea, and do not fear to be overtaken (by Pharaoh), nor should you fear (drowning).”
78. And Pharaoh followed them with his hosts, and the billows of the seas covered them as they were drowned.
79. And Pharaoh led his people astray and he never guided them aright.
80. O children of Israel! We rescued you from your foe and made a Covenant with you on the right side of the Tur (Mount Sinai), and We sent down to you the manna and quails:
81. Eat of the good things with which We have provided you and do not transgress lest My Wrath should descend upon you, and upon whoever My Wrath descends is certain to perish.
82. And verily I am the Most Forgiving to the one who repents and believes and does good deeds, then he continues to follow the right guidance.
83. (God said:) “But what made you hasten (away) from your people, O Moses?”
84. (Moses) said: “They are close on my track and I hastened to you, Lord, so that You might be well-pleased (with me).”
85. (God) said: “Verily We have tried your people in your absence, and the Samiri had led them astray.”
86. So Moses returned to his people angry, sorrowful, and said: “O my people! Did your Lord not promise you a goodly promise? Did then the promise seem long to you? Or did you wish that the Wrath from your Lord should descend upon you for violating the tryst with me?”
87. They said: “We did not violate the tryst with you out of our own accord, but we were made to bear the burdens of the ornaments of the people, so we cast them away, and thus did the Samiri suggest.”
88. Then he brought forth (from the fire) for them (the image of) a calf, a (mere) body which (also) gave out the lowing sound. Then they said: “This is your god and the god of Moses, except that he (Moses) has forgotten.”
89. What?! Do not they see that it could not return to them a word (for an answer) and that it could neither hurt nor benefit them?!
90. And indeed Aaron had said to them before: “O my people! Verily you are tried by it (image) and verily your Lord is the Beneficent (God), so follow me and obey my order.”
91. They said: “Never shall we cease worshipping it until Moses returns to us.”
92. (Moses) said: “O Aaron! What hindered you when you saw them going astray -
93. “That you did not follow me? Have you then disobeyed my order?”
94. (Aaron) said: “O son of my mother! Do not seize me by my beard nor by my head; I was afraid lest you should say: `You have caused a division among the children of Israel and did not respect my word!’”
95. (Moses) said: “What was your case, O Samiri?”
96. (Samiri) said: “I saw what they did not see, so I took a handful of (the dust) from the track of the Messenger (angel) and flung it (into the image of the calf) for so did my self prompt me (to do).”
97. (Moses) said: “Begone then, verily for you it shall be in this life to say: `Touch me not’; and (besides this) you have a tryst (of punishment) that will never fail; and (now) look at your god whose worship you kept (so long); certainly we shall burn it then we shall certainly scatter (the ashes) of it into the sea (with a wide) scattering!
98. “Verily your God is only Allah; there is no god but He; He comprehends all things in (His) Knowledge!”
99. Thus do We relate to you (O Our Messenger Muhammad!) of the (historic) accounts of what has passed (of old); and indeed We have given to you from Ourselves a Reminder (Qur’an).
100. Whosoever turns aside from it shall certainly bear on the Day of Resurrection a burden,
101. Abiding therein; while grievous will it be for them on the Day of Resurrection to bear,
102. (On) the Day when the trumpet is blown and We gather the guilty ones, the blear-eyed (terrified) ones.
103. They shall consult among themselves in a low voice (saying): “You tarried but only ten (days)...”
104. We know best what they will say, when the most ideal ones of them in conduct will say: “You tarried but only one day!”
105. And they ask you (O Our Messenger Muhammad!) about the mountains; say, “My Lord will root them up and scatter them away as dust (on the Day of Resurrection),
106. “Then He shall leave it a plain, smooth level,
107. “You shall see in it no crookedness nor unevenness.”
108. On that Day, they shall follow the summoner, no crookedness (shall be shown) to him, and low shall be the voices before the Beneficent (God) that you shall hear naught but the light footfall.
109. On that Day, no intercession shall avail anyone save (that of) whom God has permitted and with whose word He is pleased.
110. He knows what is before them and what is behind them, while they do not comprehend it according to their own knowledge.
111. And all faces shall be humbled before the ever-Living, the self-Subsistent God, and indeed disappointed will be he who bears iniquity.
112. And whosoever does good deeds and he is a believer shall have no fear of injustice (to him) nor of any curtailment (of his dues).
113. Thus have We sent down (to you, O Our Messenger Muhammad!) an Arabic Qur’an and explained therein some of the threats that they may adopt piety or that it may serve to them as a reminder.
114. High above all is God, the King, the self-Existent Truth; and do not hasten (O Our Messenger Muhammad!) with the Qur’an before it is completed to you in revelation, and say, “O my Lord! Increase me in knowledge!”
115. And indeed We had made a covenant with Adam before but he forgot; yet We did not find in him any intention (to disobey Us).
116. When We said to the angels, “Prostrate in obeisance to Adam,” they prostrated in obeisance save Iblis; he refused.
117. Then We said: “O Adam! Verily this is an enemy to you and your wife; therefore, let him not drive you both out of the Garden for then you should be put to toil,
118. “For you it is ordained that you shall not be hungry in it, nor shall you be naked.
119. “And that you shall not be thirsty in it, nor shall you feel the heat of the sun.”
120. But Satan whispered to him saying, “O Adam! Shall I guide you to the tree of eternity and to a kingdom which never decays?”
121. Then they both ate of it, so their nakedness appeared to them and they both began to cover themselves with the leaves of the garden; and Adam acted not (according to the advice of) his Lord and he strayed.
122. Then his Lord chose him and turned to him and guided him.
123. (And God) said: “Get down hence both of you, all together, one of you (being) the enemy of the other. So guidance will surely come to you from Me, then whoever follows My guidance, he shall not stray nor shall he grieve.
124. “And whoever turns away from mentioning Me, verily his shall be a straitened life, and We shall raise him up on the Day of judgment blind.”
125. He shall say: “Lord! Why have you raised me blind whereas indeed I was seeing (before)?”
126. (God) will say: “Thus (is your recompense) for Our Signs came to you which you ignored, and as such you are forsaken this very Day.
127. “Thus will We reward him who transgresses and rejects the Signs of his Lord, and certainly the torment of the hereafter will be more severe and more lasting.”
128. What?! Does it not guide them aright (to know) how many generations We destroyed before them, amidst whose dwellings they (now) walk about? Verily in this are Signs for those (endowed) with understanding.
129. Had not a Word from your Lord gone forth, their punishment would have immediately ensued; and the term (of respite) appointed.
130. So be patient with what they say, and glorify your Lord by praising Him before the rising of the sun and before its setting, and in some hours of the night glorify Him, and during parts of the day, that you may achieve the Pleasure (or your Lord).
131. And do not strain your eyes to that with which We have provided (different) parties of them of the splendour of the life of this world, so that We may try them thereby; for the provision of your Lord is better and more abiding.
132. And enjoin prayer on your followers, and adhere steadily to it, We ask you not for subsistence, but We Ourselves give you subsistence; and the success of the hereafter is for those who guard themselves (against evil).
133. And they say, “Why does he not bring us a Sign from his Lord?” What?! Has not there come to them the clear evidence which were in the former Scriptures?
134. And had We destroyed them with a chastisement before this, they would certainly have said: “Lord! Why did you not send us a Messenger for then we would have followed Your Signs before we were thus humiliated and disgraced?”
135. Say (O Our Messenger Muhammad!): “Every one (of us) is awaiting, so you too wait; then soon you will come to know who have been the followers of the even way and who has been guided aright.”

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