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The Rocky Tract (al-Hijr) -15


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 15
15 Al-Hijr

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Alif, Lam, Ra. These are the verses of the Book and (of) a Qur’an that makes (matters) clear.
2. Often those who disbelieve wish that they were Muslims.
3. Leave them (O Our Prophet Muhammad) eat and enjoy themselves and hope may beguile them, for soon they will know.
4. We did not destroy any town but it (already) had a fixed term.
5. No people can hasten on their doom, nor can thy delay it.
6. They say: “O you to whom the Reminder (Qur’an) has come down, verily you are insane.
7. “Why do you not bring the angels to us if you are truthful?”
8. We only send down the angels with truth, and they would not be then given any respite.
9. Verily, We have revealed the Reminder and indeed We will be its Guardian.
10. Indeed We sent (prophets) before you among the people of former times,
11. No messenger came to them but they used to mock (at him).
12. Even so do We cause it to traverse into the hearts of the guilty;
13. They do not believe in it; and indeed the example of former times has already gone before.
14. Even if We open to them a gateway to heaven, that they may continuously ascend into it,
15. Certainly they would say: “(It is) only that our eyes have been intoxicated rather we are people bewitched.”
16. Indeed We have made constellations in the heavens, and We have beautified them for the beholders.
17. We have guarded it from every accursed Satan,
18. Except he who (tries to) eavesdrop; a visible flame pursues him.
19. We have spread the earth out and cast thereon firm mountains, and We caused everything to grow therein,
20. We have made means of sustenance therein for you and for other (creations).
21. There is not a thing but its treasures are with Us, and We do not send it down but in a known measure.
22. We send the winds fertilizing, then (We) send down water from heaven; thus do We give it to you to drink, but it is not you who store it.
23. Verily We alone cause life and death, and We alone are the Heirs.
24. Indeed We know those eager to be foremost among you, and We know those who like to lag behind.
25. And verily your Lord will gather them together; verily He is all-Wise, all-Knowing.
26. Indeed We created man of sounding clay, of black mud moulded into shape.
27. And the jinn We created before of intensely hot (smokeless) fire.
28. Remember when your Lord said to the angels: “Verily I shall create man of the essence of black mud fashioned into shape.
29. “So when I complete him and breathe My spirit into him, you should fall down to him prostrating.”
30. So all the angels prostrated in obeisance,
31. Except Iblis; he refused to be with those who prostrated.
32. He (God) said: “O Iblis! What hinders you from joining those who prostrate?”
33. He said: “I am not one who prostrates in obeisance to man whom You created of the essence of black mud fashioned into shape.”
34. He (God) said: “Then get out of it, for verily you are driven away accursed,
35. “And verily My curse will be on you till the Day of Judgment.”
36. He said: “Lord! Give me a respite till the day when they are raised.”
37. He (God) said: “Then indeed you will be of those who are given respite,
38. “Till the day of the appointed time.”
39. He said: “Lord! Because You have left me to stray, I will certainly make error attractive to them on earth, and I will certainly cause them all to stray,
40. “Save Your (devoted) servants among them, the sincere ones.”
41. He (God) said: “This is a right way to Me,
42. “Verily there shall be no authority for you over My devoted servants, except those who deviate and follow you,
43. “And I will certainly promise that Hell shall be the abode for all of them,
44. “It (Hell) has seven gates; for each (gate) shall be a separate party (of the sinners) assigned.
45. “Verily the pious shall be in the midst of gardens and fountains,
46. (“While the angels say:) `Enter in peace and security,’
47. “We will root out whatever rancor is in their hearts; (they shall be) as brothers, on couches facing each other.
48. “No weariness shall touch them therein, nor will they ever be cast out of it.”
49. Announce to My servants that verily I am the oft-Forgiving, the Merciful,
50. And that My chastisement is the most painful one,
51. Inform them of Abraham’s guests;
52. When they entered unto him, they said: “Peace.” He said: “Verily we are apprehensive of you!”
53. They said: “Do not be afraid! Verily we bear to you glad tidings of a son endowed with knowledge.”
54. He said: “Do you bear to me glad tidings (of a son) while old age has touched me? Of what do you then bear glad tidings to me?”
55. They said: “We bear glad tidings to you in truth; so, do not despair.”
56. He said: “And who despairs of the mercy of his Lord other than those who have gone astray?”
57. He said: “What is your business, then, O messengers (of God)?”
58. They said: “Verily we are sent to a guilty people,
59. “Except the family of Lot; verily we shall deliver them all,
60. “Except his wife; we are certain that she shall be among those who remain behind (condemned).”
61. So when the messengers came to the family of Lot,
62. He (Lot) said: “Verily you are people whom we do not know.”
63. They said: “Nay! We come to you with that in which they have been doubting,
64. “We come to you with the truth, and we certainly are truthful.
65. “So go forth with your followers during a portion of the night, and do not lag behind them, and let none of you turn back; and go forth whither you are bidden.”
66. We revealed to him this decree (of Ours) that these people would be eradicated in the morning.
67. Then the people of the town came rejoicing.
68. He said: “Verily these are my guests; therefore, do not disgrace me;
69. “Fear (the punishment of) God, and do not put me to shame.”
70. They said: “Have we not forbidden you against (protecting) anyone?”
71. He said: “These are my daughters (you may wed them) if you must do (such thing).”
72. By your life, (O Our Prophet Muhammad), they were certainly intoxicated, wandering, bewildered.
73. So the (violent) blast seized them before dawn.
74. Thus did We turn it (city) upside down, and a rain of stones of baked clay poured down on them.
75. Verily in this are signs for those who carefully scrutinize.
76. Verily it is on a path that (still) stands;
77. Verily in this there is a sign for the believers.
78. And verily the inhabitants of the thicket too were most surely unjust ones.
79. We inflicted retribution on them, and indeed they are both on a path that is (still) open.
80. Indeed the inhabitants of al-Hijr (stone-carved homes) rejected the messengers;
81. We brought Our signs to them, but they turned away therefrom.
82. And they hewed habitations out of the mountains and felt secure.
83. So the (violent) blast seized them in the morning,
84. What they had earned was of no avail to them.
85. And We did not create the heavens and the earth and what is between them but in truth; and verily the Hour (of reckoning) is certain to come; so, (O Our Prophet Muhammad) forgive (people) with grace.
86. Verily, your Lord is He, the Creator, the all-Knowing.
87. Indeed We have given you the seven much repeated (verses) and the Great Qur’an.
88. Do not stain your eyes (covetously) at what We have provided married couples among them with, to enjoy, and do not grieve for them, and be kind unto the believers.
89. Say: “Verily, I am the open warner (from God).”
90. Just as We sent down on those who were divisive,
91. Those who broke up the Qur’an into parts.
92. So, by your Lord, We shall certainly question them all,
93. As to what they used to do.
94. Therefore, openly declare (O Our Prophet Muhammad) what you are bidden, and turn away from the polytheists.
95. Verily We are sufficient for you against the scoffers,
96. Those who set up with God another god, soon shall they come to know.
97. Indeed We know that your breast straitens at what they say;
98. But celebrate the praise of your Lord, and be of those who prostrate themselves (to God) in obeisance,
99. And worship your Lord until what is certain comes to you.

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