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Jonah (Younus) -10


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 10
10 Yunus (Jonah)

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Alif, Lam, Ra. These are verses of the Book of the all-Wise.
2. Is it a wonder for the people that We revealed to a man from among themselves, saying: “Warn mankind and bear glad tidings to those who believe, that there is a footing of firmness with their Lord”? But the infidels say: “Indeed this is an obvious sorcerer.”
3. Your Lord is indeed God Who created the heavens and the earth in six days (periods) and is firmly established on the Throne. He regulates everything; no intercessor can there be except with His leave. This is God, your Lord; therefore, worship Him (alone). Will you not then mind?
4. To Him shall all of you return; it is the promise of God in truth. Indeed, (it is only) He Who begins the creation then causes it to return, that He may with equity recompense those who believe and do good deeds. And for those who disbelieve shall be the drink of boiling fluids and a painful chastisement for their disbelief.
5. He is (the One) Who made the sun a radiation and the moon a light, and measured stations for it that you might know the number of years and the reckoning (of time); God created all this only for truth; thus does God make His signs manifest for people who understand.
6. Indeed in the variation of the night and the day, and all that God has created in the heavens and the earth, are sure signs for people who guard (themselves) against evil.
7. Those who do not hope to meet Us (on the Day of Judgment) and are pleased with the life of this world and are satisfied therewith, are the ones who are heedless of Our signs.
8. Their abode is but the Fire, (a punishment) for what they earned.
9. God guides those who believe and do good deeds to their (true) faith; beneath them rivers will flow in the gardens of bliss.
10. Their cry therein (shall be): “Glory be to You, O God!” and their greetings in it (will be): “Peace!” and the last of their cry (will be) that “Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.”
11. If God were to hasten to men the evil (they have earned) as they would fain hasten on for (their) good, surely their doom would have been decreed to them. But We leave those who do not hope to meet Us (on the Day of Judgment) in their contumacy, blindly wandering (bewildered).
12. When affliction touches a man, he cries to Us whether lying, sitting, or standing; but when We remove his affliction, he passes on as though he had never called unto Us on account of the affliction which touched him; thus to the transgressors is made alluring what they do.
13. Indeed We did destroy generations before you upon committing wrong, and after Messengers had come to them with clear signs, but they would not believe. Thus do We recompense the guilty people.
14. Then We made you their successors in the land so that We might see how you act.
15. When Our clear signs are recited unto them, those who do not hope to meet Us say: “Bring a Qur’an other than this, or change it.” Say: “It is not for me to change it as I please; I follow naught but what is revealed to me. Indeed, I fear the chastisement of a great day if I disobey my Lord.”
16. Say: “If God had so pleased, I would not have recited it to you, nor would He have taught it to you. Indeed, I have lived among you an age before it. What then do you (still) not understand?”
17. Who then does more wrong than he who forges a lie against God or belies His signs? The guilty ones do not succeed.
18. They worship besides God what can neither hurt nor profit them, and they say: “These are our intercessors with God.” Say: “Do you imagine that you inform God of what He does not know in the heavens and in the earth?” Glory be to Him and Exalted is He far above what they associate (with Him).
19. Mankind was one community, but they later differed; had no word (of decree) already gone forth from your Lord, it would have been decided between them in respect of what they differed therein.
20. They say: “Why is a sign not sent to him from his Lord?” Say: “Indeed, the unseen is only for God, therefore wait; verily I am (also) with you waiting.”
21. When We make people taste of (Our) mercy after an affliction has touched them, lo, they devise plots against Our signs. Say: “God is quicker in devising.” Verily Our Messengers write down all what you devise.
22. He it is Who enables you to travel by land and sea; so when you board ships; they sail in a favourable breeze, rejoicing thereat, (and when) a violent gale comes to them, and the billows surge in on them from all sides, they think that they are encompassed therewith, then they cry praying to God, professing sincerity to Him in faith, saying: “If You (Lord) deliver us from this, we shall indeed be grateful.”
23. But when He delivers them, behold, they rebel in the earth unjustly. O mankind! Your rebellion is against your own selves, a provision for the life (only) of this world, then to Us shall be your return, then shall We inform you of what you were doing.
24. The likeness of this world’s life is only as water which We send down from the sky; by its mingling the produce of the earth grows, of which men and cattle eat, until, when the earth puts on its golden raiment and becomes ornamented, its people deem that they have power (of disposal) over it, suddenly comes Our command to it by night or by day, then We render it reaped, as though it had not existed the day before. Thus do We explain the signs in detail for people who reflect.
25. God calls (you) to the abode of peace and guides whomsoever He pleases to the Right Path.
26. For those who do good deeds is an excellent reward and more (than this awaits them). No darkness shall cover their faces nor shall ignominy (befall them); these are the dwellers of the Garden; in it shall they forever abide.
27. The recompense for the evil of those who have earned evil is the like thereof; ignominy shall come upon them; from (the Wrath of) God they shall have no protector; as if their faces have been covered with pieces of the (pitch) dark night; these are the inmates of the Fire; in it shall they abide forever.
28. On the Day (of Resurrection), when We gather them all together, We will then say to those who associated others (with Us): “Keep where you are, you and your associated gods.” Then We shall separate them, one from the other, and their associate gods shall say (to them): “It was not us that you worshipped.
29. “God, therefore, is sufficient witness between us and you (that) we were certainly unaware of your worship (of us).”
30. There shall every soul realize what it has sent before, and they shall be brought back to God, their True Lord, and what they fabricated will vanish from them.
31. Say: “Who provides you with sustenance from the sky and the earth? Or who controls your hearing and sight? And who brings forth the living from the dead, and the dead from the living? And who administers all affairs?” They will then say: “(It is none but) God.” Then say: “Will you not then fear God?”
32. Then this is God, your True Lord; what is apart from truth but error; whereto then are you turned away?
33. Thus is the word of your Lord that proved true against those who transgress, for they do not believe.
34. Say (O Our Messenger Muhammad): “Of your associates, is there anyone who can originate the creation then repeat it?” Say: “God alone does, in fact, originate the creation and repeat it; whereunto are you then inclined away?”
35. Say: “Of your associates, is there any who can guide to the truth?” Say: “It is God alone Who guides to the truth; is then He Who guides to truth more worthy to be followed or is it that who himself does not go aright unless he himself is guided? What then has befallen you? How (ill) do you judge?”
36. Most of them do not follow (anything) but (their own) conjecture; surely conjecture cannot avail anything against the truth; verily God knows all that they do.
37. This Qur’an is not to be forged by anyone besides God, but it is a confirmation of (the Scriptures) that went before it and (the clearest) explanation of the Book; there is no doubt therein, it is from the Lord of the Worlds.
38. Or do they say: “He (Prophet Muhammad) has forged it”? Say: “Bring then a sura it and call for (your aid) whomsoever you can besides God if you be truthful.”
39. Nay! They rejected that which they did not comprehend with knowledge and whose explanation did not come to them; even thus did those before them deny; see then what the end of the unjust ones was.
40. Of them is he who believes in it, and of them is he who does not believe in it; your Lord knows the mischief-makers.
41. If they reject you, say: “For me are my deeds, and for you yours; you are clear of what I do, and I am clear of what you do.”
42. Of them are those who hearken to you. Can you make the deaf hear though they do not understand?
43. And of them are those who look at you. Can you guide the blind though they do not see?
44. God does not do any injustice to people, but people do injustice to their own selves.
45. On the day (of Resurrection) when He gathers them as though they had not tarried but an hour of the day, they will recognize each other. Indeed, those who rejected the meeting with God and were not guided aright will perish.
46. If We let you behold something of (Our wrath) that We warn them against or (before that) We take you to Ourselves, (even) then to Us is their return, then God is a Witness to all that they do.
47. For every people there was a messenger, and when their messenger (was sent), the matter between them was decided with equity, and they shall not (in the least) be wronged.
48. They say: “When will this promise come to pass, if you are truthful?”
49. Say: “I do not have for myself any harm, nor any benefit, except what God pleases. To every people is an ap-pointed term; when their term comes, they shall neither retard even an hour, nor go before it.”
50. Say: “Do you see if His chastisement comes upon you by night or by day, what then is there of it that the guilty hasten for?”
51. Is it (only) when it comes to pass that you will believe in it? Now do you believe when you have been (challenging it) and hastening it on?
52. Then it shall be said to those who had been unjust: “Taste the abiding punishment! Would you (then) receive other than what you have wrought?”
53. They ask you: “Is that true?” Say: “Aye! By my Lord: verily, it is the truth; you will not escape (His wrath).”
54. If every soul that has done injustice had all that is in the earth, it would assuredly ransom itself therewith; they will proclaim their repentance when they behold the doom, and it shall be decided between them with justice, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly.
55. Be it known that God’s is what is in the heavens and the earth. Be it (also) known that God’s promise is true, yet most of them do not know.
56. He grants life and causes death, and unto Him (alone) shall you all return.
57. O mankind! Indeed an exhortation has come to you from your Lord, and a cure for (the diseases) that are in your hearts, a guidance and mercy for the believers.
58. Say (that) in the Grace of God and in His Mercy, in that they should rejoice; it is better than (the wealth) that they gather.
59. Say: “See what (things) of sustenance God has sent down for you, then you made something of it unlawful and (something) lawful.” Say: “Has God permitted you or have you forged a lie against God?”
60. What do those who forge lies against God think of the Day of Resurrection? God is the Lord of Grace for mankind, but most of them do not give thanks.
61. You are not (engaged) in any affair, nor do you recite any part of the Qur’an, nor are you doing any deed but We Witness over you when you are engrossed therein. And even the weight of an atom does not lie concealed from your Lord in the earth or in the heavens, nor anything less than that nor greater but it is (recorded) in a clear book.
62. Be it known that there shall be no fear on the friends of God, no shall they grieve;
63. (For) they believed and guarded themselves against evil;
64. For them are glad tidings in the life in this world and in the hereafter; the promise of God suffers no change; that is the great achievement.
65. Do not let their discourse grieve you, Glory is wholly God’s; He is the all-Hearing, the all-Knowing.
66. Be it known that God’s is whatever in the heavens and the earth; those who call unto others besides God do not really follow any associates (of God); they do not follow anything but (their own) conjecture, and they simply lie.
67. He it is Who made for you the night to rest therein, and made you the sight-giving day. Surely there are signs in it for people who hearken.
68. They say: “God has taken a son (to Himself)!” Glory be to Him! He is the self-Sufficient; His (exclusively) is whatever in the heavens and in the earth; you have no authority for this. Do you say against God what you do not know?
69. Say: “Indeed, those who forge a lie against God never succeed.”
70. A provision (there will be only) in this world, then to Us (only) is their return, then shall We make them taste severe chastisement for what they disbelieved.
71. Recite to them the story of Noah when he said to his people: “O my people! If my stay and my reminding (you) of the signs of God be hard on you, yet on God do I rely; muster, therefore your designs, and (gather) your false gods; then do not let your designs be dubious, then pass your sentence on me and give no respite.
72. “But if you turn back, then I did not ask any recompense from you; my recompense is only (expected) from God, and I am commanded to be of those submitted to God (Muslims).”
73. But they rejected him, so We delivered him and those with him in the ark, and We made them successors, and We drowned those who rejected Our signs; see then what the end of the warned ones was!
74. Then We raised up after him messengers to their (respective) people; they came to them with clear evidences, but they would not believe in what they had rejected before. Thus do We seal up the hearts of the transgressors!
75. Then We sent after them Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh and his chiefs with Our signs (miracles), but they showed arrogance and were guilty people.
76. So when the truth came to them from Us, they said: “Indeed, this is (but) clear sorcery.”
77. Moses said: “Do you say (this) of the truth when it has come to you? Is it sorcery? Sorcerers do not succeed.”
78. “Have you come to us to turn away from (the faith) that we found our fathers doing, and that for you two (only) may be the greatness in the land? But we are not believers in (either of) you.”
79. Pharaoh said: “Bring me every sorcerer (thoroughly) skilled.”
80. When the sorcerers came, Moses said to them: “Cast down what you have to cast.”
81. So when they cast down (their rods and cords), Moses said (to them): “What you have brought is sorcery; God will presently make it naught; indeed, God voids the work of the mischief-makers.”
82. God will prove the truth to be the truth by His Word, though the guilty ones are averse (to it).
83. But none believed in Moses except the posterity of his people, in spite of the fear of Pharaoh and their chiefs, lest he should torment them; surely Pharaoh was mighty in the land; verily he was extravagant.
84. Moses said: “O my people! If you (really) believe in God, then on Him (alone) rely, if you submit (to God).”
85. Then they said: “On God (alone) do we rely! Lord! Do not subject us to a trial from the unjust people.
86. “And deliver us by Your mercy from the disbelieving people.”
87. We revealed to Moses and his brother: “Take for your people houses to abide in Egypt, and make your houses places of worship, and establish (regular) prayers, and give glad tidings to the believers.”
88. Moses (prayed): “O Lord! Indeed You have given Pharaoh and his chiefs splendour and riches in the life of this world, (is it) O Lord so that they might lead (people) astray from Your Path? O Lord! Destroy their riches and harden their hearts so that they will not believe until they see the painful chastisement.”
89. He said: “Indeed, the prayer of both of you (Moses and Aaron) is accepted. Keep then fast to the Right path and do not follow the path of those who do not know.”
90. We caused the children of Israel to pass (safely) through the sea, then Pharaoh and his hosts chased them in rebellion and hostility. When drowning overtook him, he (cried saying): “I believe that there is no god but (He) in Whom the children of Israel believe, and I submit (to God).”
91. Now! You disobeyed before, and you were among the mischief-makers!
92. But this day We shall save you in your body so that you may become a sign (of Ours) to those who come after you! Yet many are heedless to Our signs.”
93. Indeed We lodged the children of Israel (in) a true lodging, and provided them with good things (for their sustenance); but they did not differ until the knowledge had come to them; your Lord will judge on the Day of Resurrection in what they had disagreed.
94. But if you are in doubt about what We have sent down to you, ask those who read the Book (sent) before you. Indeed, the truth has come to you from your Lord, so do not entertain any doubt.
95. Nor be of those who rejected the signs of God (for) then you should also be of the losers.
96. Indeed, those against whom the Word of your Lord has proved true will not believe,
97. Even if every (sort of) sign comes to them, until they witness the grievous chastisement.
98. Why then was there no town that believed, so its faith should have availed it, except the people of Jonah? When they believed, We removed from them the torment of ignominy in the life of the world and provided them (with comfort to enjoy it) for a fixed while.
99. Had (your Lord) pleased, surely all those who are on the earth would have believed; will you then compel people against their will to become believers?
100. It is not for any soul to believe except by God’s permission; while He casts uncleanliness (of infidelity) on those who do not use (their) common sense.
101. Say: “Observe what is in the heavens and the earth,” but signs and warnings do not avail people who do not believe.
102. Do they then wait for (anything) but the like of the days of those who passed away before them? Say: “Wait then; verily I too am waiting with you.”
103. We shall ultimately deliver Our messengers and those who believe; even so it is binding on Us (that) We deliver the believers.
104. Say: “O people! If you are in doubt about my religion, then (know that) I do not worship those whom you worship besides God; (I only) worship God Who takes you away (from this world), and I am (commanded) to be of the believers.”
105. And say: “Set your face towards religion uprightly and do not be polytheists.
106. “And do not call (anyone) besides God, that which neither benefits you nor harms you; if you do, then (beware!) you will be of the unjust ones.”
107. Should God afflict you with any harm, none can remove it but He, and if He wills any good to you, none can repel His Grace; He brings it to whomsoever He pleases of His servants; He is the oft-Forgiving, the Merciful.
108. Say: “O people! Indeed the truth (Qur’an) has come to you from your Lord: therefore whosoever receives the guidance, he receives guidance for his own good; whosoever strays, most surely he strays to its detriment; I am not a custodian over you.”
109. And (O Our Messenger Muhammad): Follow what is revealed to you and forbear till God grants (His) Judgment; He is the best of all judges.

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