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Back You are here: Home Eternal Words The Holy Qur'an English Translation The Family Of Imran (aale-Imran) -3

The Family Of Imran (aale-Imran) -3


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 03
3 Sura-\'Al-i-\'Imran

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In The Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Alif, Lam, Mim.
2. God! There is no god but He, the ever-Living, the self-Subsistent.
3. He has revealed to you the Book in truth confirming what was before it, and He revealed the Torah and the Evangel aforetime, a guidance for people, and He revealed the Criterion (al-Furqan).
4. Verily for those who disbelieve in the signs of God is a severe punishment; God is Mighty, Master of Retribution.
5. Indeed, there is nothing hidden from God in the earth, or in the heavens.
6. He it is Who fashions you in the wombs of your mothers as He pleases; there is no god but He, the Almighty, the all-Wise.
7. He it is Who has revealed to you (O Our Prophet Muhammad) the Book, some verses of which are decisive: these are the bases of the Book, while others have several possible meanings. Those in whose hearts there is perversity go after that which is unclear therein seeking thereby to mislead and to interpret (to suit their selfish motives), while none knows its interpretation except God and those firmly rooted in knowledge. They say: “We believe in it; all is from our Lord.” But none heeds (this) save those endowed with wisdom.
8. (They pray:) “O Lord! Do not suffer our hearts to go astray after You have rightly guided us, and grant us mercy from You, for verily You, and You alone, are the Bestower.
9. “Lord! Verily You are the Gatherer of mankind on the Day about which there is no doubt.” Verily, God does not fail in His Promise.
10. Neither the wealth nor the offspring of those who disbelieve shall ever avail them aught against (the Wrath of) God, and they are the fuel of the Fire.
11. Like wont of the people of Pharaoh and those before them. They falsified Our signs, so God seized them for their sins, and verily God is severe in requiting evil.
12. Say to those who disbelieve: “You shall be vanquished and gathered together to Hell, what a wretched resting place it is!”
13. Indeed there was a sign for you in the two hosts that met together in the encounter: one host fighting in the path of God and the other disbelieving in Him; they saw them twice their number with their own vision. Verily, God strengthens with His support whomsoever He pleases, in this indeed there is a lesson for those who have (sound) vision.
14. The craving for women and sons, the hoarding of treasures of gold, silver, well-bred horses, cattle and farmland, is all made attractive to men. This is but the provision of life in this world, and with God is the best returning place.
15. Say: “Shall I tell you of what is better than all these for the righteous? Gardens, with their Lord, beneath which rivers flow, to abide therein with pure spouses, and God’s pleasure; God is well-Aware of His servants-
16. Who pray saying: “Lord! Indeed we believe, so forgive us our sins and save us from the torment of the Fire.”
17. The patient, the truthful, the devout, those who spend in the way of God, and those who seek forgiveness before dawn.
18. God bears witness that there is no god but He, and so do the angels and those who possess knowledge, standing firmly for justice; there is no god but He, the Almighty, the all-Wise.
19. Verily the religion according to God is Islam, nor did the people of the Book differ therefrom except after knowledge had come to them, out of envy among themselves. Whosoever disbelieves in the signs of God, then, verily God is quick in reckoning.
20. But if they dispute with you (O Our Prophet Muhammad) say: “I have submitted myself wholly to God and so does everyone who follows me.” Tell those who have been given the Book and the unlettered (ones): “Have you too submitted?” If they submit, then indeed they are rightly guided; if they turn away, your duty then is only to convey the message to them, and God is mindful of His servants.
21. Announce a grievous penalty to those who deny the signs of God, kill the prophets without a just cause, and are not equitable in their dealing with other people.
22. They are the ones whose deeds shall bear no fruits in the life of this world nor in the life hereafter, and there shall be none to help (them).
23. Have you not seen those (Jews) who have been given a portion of the Book? When they are summoned to the Book of God-so that it may judge between them-a faction of them turns back, and they are the ones who withdraw.
24. This is so because they say: “The Fire shall not touch us except for days.” What they have invented deceives them in the matter of their religion.
25. How then (will it be) when We gather them together for the Day about which there is no doubt, when every soul shall be paid in full that which it has earned, and they shall not be wronged?
26. Say: “O God, Master of the Kingdom, You grant au-thority to whomsoever You like, and You take authority away from whomsoever You please! You exalt whomsoever You like and abase whomsoever You wish; in Your hands is all good; verily You are mighty over all things.
27. “You cause the night to pass into the day, and You cause the day to pass into the night; You bring forth the living out of the dead, and the dead out of the living, and You give sustenance to whomsoever You like without measure.”
28. Let not the believers take the disbelievers for their friends in preference to the believers. Whoso shall do this then nothing of God is his, except when you have to guard yourselves against them in apprehension, but God cautions you of Himself, for to God is the end of your (life’s) journey.
29. Say: “Whether you conceal what is in your hearts or manifest it, God knows it; He knows all that is in the heavens and in the earth, and God has power over all things.”
30. (Remember) the Day when every soul finds present whatever it has wrought of good and whatever it has wrought of evil, it will wish that the interval between it and itself were wide. But God cautions you of Himself, and God is affectionate to His faithful servants.
31. Say (O Our Prophet Muhammad): “If you love God, then follow me, God will love you and forgive you your sins, and God is Forgiving, Merciful.”
32. Say (O Our Prophet Muhammad): “Obey God and the Messenger.” But if they turn back, then verily God does not love the disbelievers.
33. Indeed, God favoured Adam and Noah and the descendants of Abraham and the descendants of Imran above all nations,
34. Offspring, one from another, and God is Hearing, Knowing.
35. The wife of Imran said: “Lord! Verily I have vowed to You that which is in my womb (dedicated) to You (exclusively for Your service), freed (from all worldly responsibilities); therefore accept it from me, You are the all-Hearing, the all-Knowing.”
36. And when she delivered her, she said: “Lord! I have delivered a female,” and God knew best what she deliv-ered, “and the male is not like the female, and I have named her Mary and commend her to Your Protection, and also her offspring, from Satan the outcast, the accursed.”
37. So her Lord accepted her with a gracious acceptance, and made her grow up in grace, and entrusted her to the charge of Zachariah. Whenever Zachariah entered to see her in the sanctuary, he found her with sustenance. He said: “O Mary! From where does this come to you?” Said she: “It is from God. Verily God provides whomsoever He pleases without measure.”
38. There Zachariah prayed to his Lord: “Lord! Grant me good from Your bounty; verily You hear the prayer.”
39. Then the angels called unto him while he stood praying in the sanctuary: “Verily God gives you glad tidings of (a son) Yahya (John), honourable and chaste, and a Prophet from among the virtuous ones.”
40. He said: “My Lord! How can there be a son born to me, since old age has indeed affected me and my wife is barren?” He (angel) said: “Even so, God does whatsoever He pleases.”
41. He said: “Lord! Appoint a sign for me.” He said: “The sign for you shall be that you shall not speak to men for three days except by signs, and remember your Lord much, and glorify Him in the evening and at day-break.”
42. And when the angels said: “O Mary! Verily, God has chosen you and purified you and favoured you over all the women of the world.
43. “O Mary! Be devout to your Lord and prostrate yourself and bow down (in prayer) with those who bow down.”
44. This is of the news of the unperceivable which We reveal to you (O Our Prophet Muhammad), for you were not with them when they cast their lots with their pens as to which of them should have the charge of Mary, nor were you with them when they disputed among themselves.
45. Behold! The angels said: “O Mary! Verily, God gives you glad tidings of a Word from Him whose name shall be the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, illustrious in this world and in the Hereafter, and one of those close to God.
46. “And he shall speak to men (both when) in childhood and when mature, and (he shall be) of the righteous ones.”
47. She said: “My Lord! How can I have a son when no man has touched me?” He said: “Even so does God create whatsoever He pleases; when He decrees a thing, He only says to it `Be,’ and it is.
48. “And He will teach him the Book and the Wisdom, the Torah and the Evangel,
49. “And (appoint him) a messenger to the children of Israel (to declare): `Lo! I have come to you with a sign from your Lord. I will make for you out of clay a figure of a bird, and I will breathe into it, and it shall become a flying bird by God’s permission, and I shall heal the blind and the leper and will raise the dead to life by God’s permission; and I will declare to you what you eat and what you store up in your houses. Verily, in this will be a sign for you if you are (indeed) believers.
50. “`And (I come) confirming that which is before me of the Torah, and to allow you some of that which has been forbidden to you. And I come to you with a sign from your Lord, so take shelter in God, and obey me,
51. “`Verily God is my Lord and yours; therefore, worship (only) Him. This is the Right Path.’”
52. When Jesus perceived disbelief on their part, he said: “Who will be my helpers towards God?” The disciples said: “We will be your helpers towards God! We believe in God and bear witness that we are Muslims.”
53. And they prayed to God, saying: “Lord! We believe in what You have revealed and we follow the Messenger (Jesus), so include us among those who bear witness (to him).”
54. They (the Jews) planned, and God too planned, and surely God is the best of planners.
55. Behold! God said: “O Jesus! I shall take you away and raise you to Me; (so) purify yourself of those who disbelieve and I shall make those who follow you triumphant upon those who disbelieve till the Day of Resurrection, when your return shall be unto Me, and I shall judge between you in what you differ.”
56. As for those who disbelieve, I will chastise them with a severe chastisement in this world and the hereafter, and there shall be no helpers for them.
57. As to those who believe and do good deeds, He will pay them their recompense in full, and God does not love the unjust.
58. This We recite to you of the signs and the Wise Reminder.
59. Verily, the similitude of Jesus with God is like (that of) Adam: He created him of dust then He said to him “Be,” and he was.
60. It is the truth from your Lord; therefore, do not entertain any doubt.
61. And to him who disputes with you therein after knowledge has come to you, say (O Our Prophet Muhammad): “Come, let us summon our sons, and (you summon) your sons, and our women and your women, and ourselves your own selves, then let us invoke and lay the curse of God upon the liars!”
62. Verily, this is the true narrative; there is no god but God, and verily, God is Almighty, all-Wise.
63. But if they turn back, then, indeed God knows the mischief-makers.
64. Say (O Our Prophet Muhammad): “O People of the Book! Come to a word common between us and you: that we worship none but God and shall not associate any with Him, and that we shall not take any others for lords other than God.” If they turn back, then say: “Bear witness that we are Muslims.”
65. O People of the Book! Why do you dispute about Abraham when the Torah and the Evangel were not revealed till after his time? Do you not then understand (even that much)?
66. Lo! You are those who disputed about that of which you had knowledge, but why do you dispute about that of which you do not have any knowledge? And God knows, while you do not.
67. Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but upright in faith, a Muslim, and he was not polytheist.
68. The nearest of men to Abraham are surely those who followed him, and this Prophet (Muhammad), and those who believe; God is the Guardian of the faithful.
69. A group among the People of the Book fervently desires to mislead you, but they mislead only their own selves, though they do not sense it.
70. O People of the Book! Why do you disbelieve in the signs of God while you yourselves witness them?
71. O People of the Book, why do you hide the truth when you know it?
72. A group among the People of the Book said: “Believe in what has been revealed to the believers at daybreak, and deny it at its close, perchance (by this device) they may return (to disbelief).
73. “And do not believe in any but those who follow your religion.” Say: Verily, the true guidance is the guidance from God. Are you envious that any others should also have been given similarly to what has been given to you? Or do you fear that they would dispute with you (even) in the presence of your Lord? Say: “Grace is in the hands of God, He grants it to whomsoever He pleases, and God is Omniscient, Knowing.
74. “He singles out for His Mercy whomsoever He pleases, and God is the Lord of bounties unbounded.”
75. Among the People of the Book is he who, if you entrust him with (even) a heap of gold, will return it to you, and among them are such who, if you entrust him with even a dinar, he will not restore it to you unless you keep standing over him, demanding. This is so because they say: “It is not incumbent on us to keep our word to the ignorant.” Thus they utter a lie against God while knowing it.
76. Yea, whoso keeps his promise and guards himself (against evil), verily God loves those who guard themselves (against evil).
77. Indeed, for those who barter their covenant with God and their oaths for a petty price there is no share in the Hereafter, and God will not speak to them nor look towards them on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He purify them, and for them shall be a grievous punishment.
78. Indeed among them are those who twist their tongues with the Book that you may reckon it to be of the Book, but it is not of the Book, and they say: “It is from God,” and it is not from God; they tell a lie against God while they well know it.
79. It is not for a man that God should give him the Book, judgment, and messengership, and yet he should say to people: “Be my worshippers, rather than God’s,” but he would say: “Be godly, for you are used to teaching the Book, and used to reading it yourselves.”
80. Nor would he enjoin you to take the angels and the messengers for lords; would he enjoin you to disbelief after becoming Muslims?
81. Behold! God took the pledge of the prophets (saying): “I bestow upon you of the Book and wisdom; when a Prophet comes to you confirming that which is with you, you shall believe in him and you shall support him.” He said: “Do you thus agree to take this Covenant as binding upon you?” They said: “We agree.” He said: “Then bear witness for I am a witness with you.”
82. Therefore, whoever turns away after this are surely transgressors.
83. Do they seek other than the religion of God, when to Him submits whosoever is in the heavens and in the earth, willingly or unwillingly, and to Him they shall be returned?
84. Say: “We believe in God, and in what has been revealed to us, and in what has been revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in what was bestowed upon Moses, Jesus, and the prophets from their Lord; we make no distinction among them, and we have surrendered to Him.”
85. Whosoever seeks any religion other than Islam, it shall never be accepted from him, and in the hereafter he shall be among the losers.
86. How shall God guide a people who disbelieved after (a time of) their belief, and after they had borne witness that the Messenger (Muhammad) was true, and after clear evidence had come to them? God does not guide the unjust people.
87. Their recompense is that the curse of God, the angels, and all mankind shall rest upon them.
88. Therein they shall abide; their torment shall not be lightened, nor shall they be respited,
89. Except those who after this repent and amend, for indeed God is Forgiving, Merciful.
90. Verily, those who disbelieve after their belief, then increase in their infidelity, never shall their repentance be accepted, and these are they who have gone astray.
91. Verily, those who disbelieve and die disbelievers, never shall even the world full of gold be accepted from any of them should they offer it as ransom. A painful torment awaits them, and they will find no helpers.
92. You shall never attain righteousness until you give away (in the way of God) of what you love, and of whatsoever you give, verily God knows it.
93. All food was allowed to the children of Israel except what Israel (Jacob) had himself forbidden before the Torah had been revealed. Say: “Bring then the Torah here and read it, if you are truthful.”
94. Those who fabricate a lie about God, after this, are indeed the unjust.
95. Say: “God has spoken the truth, so follow the creed of Abraham the upright in faith, and he was not a polytheist.”
96. Verily, the First House (of worship) made for mankind is the blessed one at Bakka, a guidance for the world.
97. In it are clear signs, the standing place of Abraham, and whoever enters it is secure, and purely for God is the pilgrimage to the House incumbent upon people, for those who can afford to journey thereto. Whoever disbelieves, then verily God is self-Sufficient, Independent of the worlds.
98. Say (O Our Prophet Muhammad): “O People of the Book! Why do you disbelieve in the signs of God, while God is a witness over what you do?”
99. Say: “O People of the Book! Why do you hinder him who believes from the path of God, and seek to make it (seem) crooked, when you are its witnesses? And God is not heedless of what you do.”
100. O you who believe! If you obey a (certain) group among those who have been given the Book, they will turn you infidels after your believing.
101. How can you disbelieve when the signs of God are recited unto you, and His Messenger (Muhammad) is among you? And whoever holds fast to God is guided to the Right Path.
102. O you who believe! Fear God as you should, and see that you do not die but as Muslims.
103. And hold fast to the Rope of God all together, and do not be divided among yourselves, and remember the bounty of God bestowed upon you when you were enemies (of each other); He united your hearts together with (mutual) love, and thus through His favour did you become brethren, and while you were on the brink of the pit of the Fire, He delivered you therefrom. Thus does God clearly make His signs manifest for you so that you may be guided.
104. And that there should be among you a group that calls (mankind) to virtue and enjoins what is good and forbids evil, and these are they who shall be successful.
105. And do not be like those who became divided and disagreed after clear evidences came to them, and for these shall be a great torment.
106. On the Day when some faces will be bright and some blackened; as for those whose faces are turned black, (it will be said: “Did you disbelieve after believing? Taste, then, the chastisement in which you disbelieved.”
107. And as for those whose faces shall be bright, they shall be in the mercy of God; they shall abide therein forever.
108. These are the signs of God; We recite them to you in truth, and God does not intend injustice to mankind.
109. To God belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and in the earth, and to God alone shall all matters return.
110. You are the best group that has been brought forth for mankind; you enjoin goodness and forbid evil, and you believe in God. Had the People of the Book believed (similarly), it would have surely been better for them; of them (only some) are believers and most of them are perverse.
111. They shall never harm you except slightly, and if they fight you, they shall turn their backs to you, then they shall not be helped.
112. Abasement is made to cleave to them wherever they are found, except under a covenant with God and a covenant with men, and they have incurred the wrath of God. (Besides,) humiliation is stamped upon them; this is so because they used to disbelieve in the signs of God, and they slew the prophets unjustly; this is so because they disobeyed and used to transgress.
113. They are not all alike. Among the People of the Book is a group so upright in faith that they recite the signs of God all night long, and prostrate themselves in adoration.
114. They believe in God and the Last Day, enjoin goodness and forbid evil, and hasten to do good deeds; these are among the righteous.
115. Whatever good they do, none of it shall be rejected, and God well knows those who are righteous.
116. As for those who disbelieve, their possessions and offspring shall never avail them anything against God; they shall be the inmates of the Fire, therein they shall forever abide.
117. The similitude of what they spend in this life is like a freezing wind which smites the farmland of a people who have wronged themselves and destroys it. God did not do injustice to them; it was they who were doing injustice to their own selves.
118. O you who believe! Do not be intimate with anyone other than those who are your fellow-believers. Others will not fail to corrupt you. They desire what distresses you the most. Their spite has already shown itself out of their mouths, but what is concealed in their hearts is greatest still. Indeed, We have made the signs clear to you, if you would understand.
119. Lo! You love them, but they do not love you, though you believe in the entire Book. When they meet you, they say: “We believe,” but when they are apart, they bite their fingers in rage against you. Say (O Our Prophet Muhammad): “Die in your rage!” Verily God well knows whatever is in people’s hearts.
120. If any good touches you, it grieves them, and if ill afflicts you, they rejoice thereat. But if you are patient and guard yourselves (against evil), their guile shall not harm you, for verily God encompasses whatever they do.
121. (Remember) when you set from your family at early dawn so that you would prepare the encampment for the believers to prepare for the battle (of Uhud), and God hears and knows.
122. Two of your groups had contemplated flinching, and God was the Guardian of both, in God (alone) should the believers trust.
123. Indeed God has succored you also at (the battle of) Badr when you were contemptibly weak; so take shelter in God so that you may be thankful.
124. And (also) when you said to the believers: “Does it not suffice you that your Lord should help you with three thousand angels sent (from heaven)?”
125. Yea! If you are steadfast and take shelter in God, and they (the enemy) come upon you in this sudden manner, your Lord will help you with five thousand (such) angels splendidly equipped.
126. God did not effect this but as good tidings for you, and that your hearts might thereby rest assured. There is no succor but from God, the Almighty, the all-Wise.
127. That He might cut off a part of those who do not believe, or cast them down to make them return disappointed.
128. Nothing of the authority is for you at all, whether He turns to them (mercifully) or chastises them, for verily they are transgressors.
129. And to God belongs whatever is in the heavens and in the earth. He forgives whomsoever He pleases and punishes whomsoever He pleases; God is Forgiving, Merciful.
130. O you who believe! Do not devour usury, doubling it over, and take refuge in God that you may be successful.
131. And fear the Fire that is prepared for the disbelievers.
132. And obey God and the Messenger (Muhammad), that you may receive mercy.
133. And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord, and to Paradise, vast as the heavens and the earth, prepared for the pious,
134. Who spend (in God’s way) in both prosperity and strain, and who restrain their anger and forgive the faults of men; God loves those who do good (to others).
135. They are those who, when they commit a shameful deed or wrong their own selves, remember God and implore pardon for their sins; and who forgives sins other than God? And they are not obstinate in knowingly persisting to do wrong.
136. As for these, their reward is pardon from their Lord and gardens beneath which rivers flow, to abide therein forever, and excellent is the reward of those who act (righteously).
137. Indeed, there have already been examples before you, so travel throughout the world and see what the end of those who reject (the Prophets of God) has been.
138. This is a clear statement for mankind, a guidance and admonition for the pious.
139. Do not lose heart, and do not grieve, for you shall gain the upper hand if only you truly believe.
140. If a wound has afflicted you, a similar wound has also afflicted the disbelieving people. We bring about these days (of varying fortunes) among men by turns, so that God may ascertain those who have sincerely believed, and that He may take witnesses from among you, and God does not
love the unjust.
141. So that God may purge those who believe and destroy the infidels.
142. Do you imagine (O Muslims!) that you will (all) enter paradise when God does not yet ascertain those of you who have striven hard among you, nor test the steadfast?
143. And you did indeed desire death before you met it, so indeed you have now seen it, even while you look on.
144. Muhammad is only a Messenger; messengers have already passed away before him; therefore, if he dies or is slain, will you turn upon your heels? He who turns upon his heels will not harm God the slightest, and soon will God reward the grateful ones.
145. It is not for any soul to die except by God’s permission, (according to) the Book that fixes its term. He who desires his reward in this life, We give him thereof. And he who desires his reward in the Hereafter, We give him thereof. And soon shall We reward the grateful ones.
146. How many a prophet fought, and myriads of godly men with him, while they did not lose heart at what befell them in the way of God, nor did they weaken, nor did they demean themselves? God loves the steadfast ones.
147. And their saying was nothing but a prayer: “Lord! Forgive us our sins and excesses in our affairs, and set our feet firm and help us against the disbelieving people.”
148. God gave them a reward in this world and an excellent reward in the Hereafter, and God loves those who do good (to others).
149. O you who believe! If you obey the disbelievers, they will make you turn on your heels, thus will you turn back losers.
150. Nay! God is your guardian, and He is the best to help.
151. We will cast terror into the hearts of the disbelievers for associating with God that for which He never revealed any authority, and their abode shall be the Fire; how bad is the abode of the unjust!
152. Indeed God fulfilled His Promise to you when you routed them by His permission, till you flinched and disputed the (Prophet’s) command and disobeyed after He had shown you that which you loved. Some of you desire this world, and some the Hereafter. Then He made you turn away from them, so that He might test you. He has forgiven you now, and God is the Lord of Grace for the believers.
153 (Remember) when you ran away climbing the high ground without even looking back at anyone, and the Messenger behind you calling you back. So He inflicted upon you anguish after anguish, so that you might learn not to grieve at what eluded you, nor at what befell you, and God is fully aware of what you do.
154. Then, after the anguish, God sent tranquility upon you, (in the form of) slumber; it overcame a group of you, while the other group, who cared only for their own lives, were thinking about God quite unjustly thoughts of ignorance. They were saying: “Is there anything for us of authority?” Say (O Our Prophet Muhammad): “Verily, the authority rests wholly with God.” They hid in their hearts what they would not reveal to you; they were saying: “Had we had any authority, we would not have been slain at this place.” Say: “Even if you had remained in your homes, those who were decreed to be slain would have gone forth to the places where they (now) lie, so that God might test what was in your hearts and that He might purge what was in your hearts, for God knows what you hide.”
155. Verily those of you who turned back on the day of Uhud when the hosts met, (it was) only Satan who made them slip because of some of their (sinful) deeds, but indeed God has pardoned them, for God is Forgiving, Forbearing.
156. O you who believe! Do not be like the disbelievers who said of their brethren upon travelling throughout the world or engaged in fighting (in the way of God): “Had they been with us, they would not have died and would not have been slain,” so that God may make this an intense regret in their hearts; and it is God Who gives life and causes death; and God beholds what you do.
157. If you are slain in the way of God, or you die, then pardon from God and mercy is better than all that they amass.
158. If you die or are slain, verily to God alone you shall be gathered.
159. Thus it is God’s mercy that you are lenient to them; had you been severe and hard-hearted, they would surely have dispersed away from around you. So forgive them and seek pardon for them, and take their counsel in affairs, but when you are resolved, put your trust in God, for God loves those who put their trust in Him.
160. If God supports you, none shall overcome you; but if He forsakes you, who is there that could help you after that? On God then should the believers rely.
161. It is not for any prophet to defraud. He who defrauds shall bring his deception with him on the Day of Resurrection; then every soul shall be paid what it has earned, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly.
162. Is then he who abides by the pleasure of God like him who has brought on himself the wrath from God, and whose abode shall be Hell? What an evil destination it is!
163. They are of diverse ranks with God, and God beholds what they do.
164. Indeed God conferred His favour upon the believers when He raised a Messenger (Muhammad) from among themselves to recite to them His signs, and to purify them, and to teach them the Book (Qur’an) and wisdom, though before this they were in manifest error.
165. When a misfortune befell you (at Uhud), while you had already inflicted twice as much (on the disbelievers at Badr), you said: “Whence is this?” Say (O Our Prophet Muhammad): “This is from your own selves; verily, God has power over all things.”
166. And what befell you on the day when the two hosts met was by God’s permission, and that He might test the believers.
167. And that He might know the hypocrites; and it was said to them: “Come! Fight in the way of God! Or (at least) repel the foe.” They said: “Had we known there would be a fight, we would have followed you.” Nearer were they then to infidelity than to faith. They speak with their mouths what was not in their hearts, and God knows best what they conceal.
168. (These are those) who said to their brethren while they themselves remained at home: “Had they obeyed us, they would not have been slain.” Say (O Our Prophet Muhammad): “Ward off death from yourselves if you are truthful.”
169. And do not think of those who are slain in the way of God as dead. They are alive with their Lord, being sustained,
170. Rejoicing in what God of His Grace has granted them, and rejoicing for those who have not yet joined them that no fear shall come to them, nor shall they grieve.
171. They rejoice in the grace from God and His bounty, and truly God does not suffer the reward of the believers to be lost.
172. (As for) those who responded to the call of God and the Messenger (Muhammad, even) after wounds had been inflicted upon them, such of those who do good (to others) and guard (themselves) against evil, shall have a great reward.
173. Those to whom people said: “Verily people have mustered many strong against you, therefore fear them,” it only increased their faith, and they said: “God is (quite) sufficient for us and a most excellent Protector.”
174. They returned, therefore, with favour from God and His Grace, without any evil touching them, and they sought the pleasure of God; and God is the Lord of Mighty Grace.
175. It is only Satan that frightens his friends. Do not fear them, but fear Me, if you are true believers.
176. Do not let those who hastily vie in their infidelity grieve you; verily, they shall never harm God one whit. God intends that He shall not assign any share for them in the life hereafter, and there is a painful chastisement (in store) for them.
177. Verily, those who trade infidelity for faith shall never harm God one whit; there is a painful chastisement (in store) for them.
178. Do not let those who disbelieve think that Our giving them respite is good for them; We only give respite to them so that they may increase their sins, and there is a disgraceful chastisement for them.
179. It is not for God to leave the believers in the state in which you are, but only until He has distinguished the wicked from the good, and it is not for God to acquaint you with the unperceivable; God chooses His messengers as He pleases; believe then in God and His messengers; and if you believe and fear God, for you then there is a great reward.
180. Let not those who are niggardly in giving what God has granted them of His Grace reckon that it is good for them. Nay! It is bad for them; that which they have been niggardly of shall soon be a collar around their necks on the Day of Resurrection. (Only) God’s is the heritage of the heavens and the earth, and verily God is aware of what you do.
181. God has indeed heard the statement of those who say: “God is poor and we are rich.” Certainly, We shall record what they say, and their unjust slaying of the prophets, and We shall say: “Taste the torment of burning.
182. “This is for what your own hands have sent forth before you, and because God is not (in the least) unjust to the servants.”
183. To those who say: “Verily, God has covenanted with us that we should not believe in any messenger until he presents to us an offering which is devoured by a fire (from heaven),” say (O Our Prophet Muhammad): “Indeed messengers came to you before me with miracles and with that which you said; why then did you slay them, if you speak the truth?”
184. And if they accuse you of lying, then verily other messengers before you, who came with clear proofs (miracles) and scriptures and the enlightening book, were also accused of speaking falsehood.
185. Every person tastes death, and verily you shall be paid your recompenses in full on the Day of Resurrection. Whosoever is removed from the Fire and admitted into Paradise has indeed achieved his goal, and the life in this world is only a provision of vanity.
186. Certainly you shall be tried in your possessions and in your own selves, and certainly you shall bear much annoyance from those who were given the book before you, and from those who associate other gods with God, and if you are patient and guard yourselves (against evil), then verily that is a matter of (very great) resolve.
187. Behold! God took a pledge from those who were given the book: “You shall surely make it known to mankind, and you shall not hide it,” then they cast it behind their backs and attained therewith a small price. How bad (then is what) they obtained!
188. Do not think that those who rejoice for what they have brought about, and love to be praised for what they have not done,- think not that they will escape the chastisement; indeed there is a grievous torment (in store) for them.
189. And to God (alone) belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth; and God has power over all things.
190. Verily, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for men who possess wisdom.
191. Those who remember God standing and sitting and reclining on their sides, and think seriously about the creation of the heavens and the earth, (saying): “Lord! You have not created all this in vain! Glory be to You! Save us then from the torment of the Fire.
192. “Lord! Whomsoever You cause to enter the Fire, surely You have disgraced him; the unjust have none to help.
193. “Lord! We have indeed heard the voice of a Caller (Messenger) calling us to faith saying: `Believe in your Lord!’ and we believed. Lord! Forgive us then our sins and remove away from us our evil deeds, and cause us to die with the virtuous ones.
194. “Lord! Grant us what You promised us through Your messengers, and do not disgrace us on the Day of Resurrection. Verily, You do not break Your promise.”
195. So their Lord responded to them: “I will not suffer the work of any of you that works to be lost, be they males or females, each one of you is from the other; therefore, those who migrated and were turned out of their homes and suffered in My way and who fought and were slain, I will most certainly blot out their sins from them, and I will most certainly admit them into gardens beneath which rivers flow, a reward from God! And with God alone is the Excellent Reward.”
196. Do not let the ups and downs (in prosperity) of those in the cities deceive you.
197. It is a brief comfort; thereafter their abode is Hell, and what a bad resting place it is!
198. As to those who fear (the wrath of) their Lord, for them are the gardens beneath which rivers flow; they shall abide therein forever. Such is their reception with God, and whatever is with God is the best for the righteous.
199. Among the People of the Book are those who believe in God, and in what has been revealed to you and in what has been revealed to them, humbling themselves before God; they do not sell the signs of God for a mean price. For these there is a recompense with their Lord. Indeed, God is quick in reckoning.
200. O you who believe! Be patient and vie with (each other) in endurance and be ever-garrisoned, and fear (the wrath of) God, so that you may be successful.

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