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Some virtues of Imam Hassan Askari (A.S)

Affection of Imam Hassan Askari (A.S)
A major part of the life of Imam Hassan Askari (A.S) either passed in prison or under house arrest. The spies of the caliph Motamid always kept the Imam under strict surveillance. One day some Shia person sent him a gift of some pomegranates. The fruits were kept before the Imam and the caliph`s guard was eyeing them in a greedy manner. The Imam gave him one pomegranate. The fellow took it but did not eat it. When the Imam asked him the reason he said that he was the father of five children and he never ate anything without giving it to them also. And that he was thinking how to distribute one pomegranate between them all. The Imam gave him all the pomegranates. He said, "Son of Allah`s Messenger! I don`t need all of them. Keep some for yourself." The Imam said, "It is better for the children to eat them, than me." Witnessing such affection of the Holy Imam the royal guard became such an ardent devotee of his that he always used to remain in the Imam`s service. When Motamid heard about it, he summoned the guard and punished him severely. He said, "Even if you put me to death, his love cannot leave my heart." This reply infuriated Motamid further and he sentenced the man to life imprisonment.

Hospitality of Imam Hassan Askari (A.S)
Ali Ibn Ibrahim relates: I went to meet Imam Hassan Askari (A.S) and found him in a disturbed state. When I asked the reason he said, "I am having some guests today but I have nothing to serve them." I said, "Son of Allah`s Messenger, just mention it, I will get all that is needed." The Imam said, "We Ahlul-Bayt do not serve our guests at the expense of others." "All right! Then tell me what I can do?" I said. He told me, "Go and sell this Yemeni sheet of mine." I said, "Son of Allah`s Messenger, it is so cold now-a-days and you do not have any other quilt or sheet. Do not sell it." The Imam said, "The God who gave this would give another." I did as the Imam had ordered and sold the sheet for ten dirham and brought the money to him. Immediately he began to make arrangement for a dinner. I was much aggrieved at the Imam`s condition. The Imam said, "Why are you looking at me with pity? I would not have been as happier by covering myself with the sheet, as I am in entertaining these guests."

Humility of Imam Hassan Askari (A.S)
Imam Hassan Askari (A.S) was of exceeding humble nature. He used to meet the high and low, all with utmost humility and simple demeanor. This was the reason that every class of people of Samarrah used to chant his praise. When the Imam passed on the way, people used to stand up as a mark of respect. The effect of this was that the crowd that attended his funeral was so multitudinous that it was not seen thus even in the funeral of the ruler.
Source: nooralquran.net

His Life and Works
Ahmed ibn Ishaq relates that when he heard of the death of the 10th Imam (A.S), he went to Samara (Iraq) and asked for the whereabouts of the 11th Imam (A.S). He was told that 11th Imam (A.S) was imprisoned by Mutaz Billah. After bribing the guards he was able to visit Imam (A.S) one night. He described the prison as a tunnel under the Khalifa’s home where there was no space to stretch one’s legs, nor room to be able to stand. Ahmed says he cried when he saw Imam’s (A.S) condition. Food was only one glass of water and a piece of dry bread a day. He was imprisoned because all the rulers knew of the justice that was promised to come with the coming of the 12th Imam (A.S) and they wished to prevent anyone being born of the 11th Imam (A.S).

Source: shia studies articles

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