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The Voice of 'Ali During the Mer’aj

The Voice of ‘Ali During the Mer’aj


In the book Kashf al Ghummah, it has been narrated from `Abdullah ibn `Umar that: "I heard someone ask the Prophet of Allah , `With what voice did Allah, the Glorified and High, speak to you in on the night of the Me'raj?"
The Prophet replied, "My Lord spoke to me with the voice of 'Ali ibn Abi Talib  and said, `O' Ahmad! I am an Entity that is not like anything else. I can not be compared to anything else and I know all the secrets of your heart. With the exception of 'Ali ibn Abi Talib  , you have no other close friend. Thus, I speak to you with the voice of 'Ali ibn Abi Talib   so that your heart will be at ease.""
Taken From : Me'raj - The Night Ascension As Compiled by Mullah Faidh al Kashani Translated  by: Saleem Bhimji

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