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Method of Me'raj

Method of Me’raj


Some people say: the Me'raj of the Prophet   took place during his sleep, while others say that the Me'raj was simply spiritual. However, since the Noble Prophet   had mentioned that: "During the Me`raj, I met with the various Prophets; I saw the Angels; Heaven and Hell were shown to me; I was brought to the Arsh and reached to Sidratul Muntaha.
I also met people in Heaven who were being showered with the blessings of Allah and also I saw people in Hell who were being punished by the harshest types of punishment; I was also informed as to why they were in such a state, "  thus, it is not possible that the Prophet   went to the Me'raj in the physical body made of clay (as it is not possible for the physical body to travel through these various stages).
It has been narrated from 'Ali ibn Ibrahim al Qummi that Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al Sadiq had said:
"Jibra'il, Mika'il and Israfil brought Buraq [5] to the Prophet  . One of these (three) held the reigns of Buraq, while the other one held on the saddle and the third one held on to the clothing of the Prophet   while he was ascending it.

When the Prophet mounted onto the Buraq, its entire body started to tremble. Jibra'il pointed with his hand towards Buraq and told him, `O' Buraq! Keep calm! Before the Noble Prophet     no other Prophet has ever ridden you and after him too no one like him will ever ride upon you again."
Buraq became tranquil and took the Prophet towards the heavens. Jibra'il accompanied the Prophet and pointed out the signs of Allah in the heavens and the earth."
The Prophet of Islam   stated that: "We were continuing when I heard someone call me by name. I did not pay any attention to it and continued on our course. Another time, I heard someone else call me by name. Again I did not pay any attention to it. Then, I saw a woman whose hands were uncovered and all the beauties of the world were on her. She said, `O' Muhammad! Wait, I have something to say to you.' However, I paid no attention to her either. After this, I heard another sound, which really scared me. That sound too, I ignored."
"After some time, Jibra'il stopped and said to me, `Perform the Salat.' I dismounted from Buraq and performed my Salat. Jibra'il said to me, `Do you know where you just prayed?' I replied to him in the negative. He said, `In Tayyibah (Madinah), that place where your travellers will go.' After this, I got back onto Buraq and we continued on our journey."
"Once again, Jibra'il stopped us and said, `Perform the Salat.' I once again dismounted Buraq, and performed my Salat there. He asked me, `Do you know where you just prayed? It is the Mountain of Saina   the place where Prophet Musa spoke to Allah.'
"Once again, I ascended Buraq and continued on my way until Allah would decree something else. Shortly afterwards, Jibra'il said, `Get down and recite a Salat.' Then again he questioned, `Do you know where you just prayed?' I replied in the negative, to which he answered, `In Bait al Laham   the place which is near to Bait al Muqaddas   and this is the place where Prophet `Isa was born.'
We reached Bait al Muqaddas and I proceeded to tie the reins of Buraq to the same ring that the great Prophets (before me) used to tie their animal to. After this I entered the Masjid and it was here that I met Ibrahim, Musa, `Isa and the rest of the Prophets yes. They all gathered around me and we proceeded to get ready for Salat. I had no doubt that the Salat would be lead by Jibra'il, however when the lines for the Salat were being formed, Jibra'il placed his hand on my shoulder and pushed me forward.
Jibra'l also took part in the Salat behind me along with the various Prophets; however, this did not cause any pride or vanity in me. Following this, the custodian of the Masjid brought three vessels in front of me. In the first vessel was milk, in the second was water, and in the third one was wine.

All of a sudden I heard someone say: `If he takes the vessel of water, he will perish, and his nation too will perish. If he takes the vessel of wine, he and his nation will all be lead astray. However, if he drinks the milk, then he has been guided and his nation too will be guided.' I proceeded to take the vessel containing the milk and drank from it. Jibra'il said, `Know that you have been guided and your nation too has been guided.'"
Then I was asked, `What did you see while you were on your journey?' I replied, `From my right side, I heard someone call out to me.' Jibra'il asked, `Did you reply him?' I said, `No, I did not reply.' Jibra'il told me, `That person who called you was a Jew.
Had you answered his call, then after you pass away, your nation would have changed to the religion of the Jews.'
Jibra'il then asked, `What else did you see?' I replied, `I then looked to my left and someone called me from that direction too.' Jibra'il asked, `Did you reply to that call?' I replied, `No, I did not pay any attention to him either.' Jibra'il replied, `He was one who was inviting people to the religion of Christianity. Had you paid any attention to him and replied to him, then after your death your nation would change their religion to Christianity.'
Jibra'il then asked, `Who welcomed you?' I replied, `I saw a woman whose arms were open (with no clothing on them), and upon them were various beauties of the world. She said to me, `O' Muhammad! Come near me so that I may speak with you.' Jibra'il asked, `Did you speak to her?' I replied, `No, I did not speak with her.' Jibra'il then said, `That woman was the physical manifestation of the world. If you would have answered or spoken to her, then your nation would have preferred this world over the next life.'
From Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 18, p. 319-320, Bab 3 - Ithbaat al-Mi`raaj wa ma`anaahu wa kayfiyyatuhu wa sifatuhu wa ma jaraa feehi wa wasf al-buraaq, Hadith 34.

[5] Buraq: the name of the ride that the Prophet (s) was on during his Me'raj. Historians state that the body of it was similar to that of a horse while the head resembled that of a human being.
Taken From : Me'raj - The Night Ascension As Compiled by Mullah Faidh al Kashani Translated  by: Saleem Bhimji

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