
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight


136. Through his chain of authorities, he, peace be on him, said: [Allah's Messenger, may Allah bless him and his family, said:] "He who cheats a Muslim or harms him or tries to deceive him does not belong to us."
Cheating a Muslim or harming him or trying to deceive him is never an Islamic act, for such an action spreads hatred and mistrust among the Muslims.

137. Through his chain of authorities, he, peace be on him, said: [Allah's Messenger, may Allah bless him and his family, said:] "Beware of oppression, for it destroys your hearts."
Islam has fought against oppression. Authentic traditions have been transmitted from the Ima`ms of guidance, peace be on him, concerning warning against oppression, and that Allah, the Most High, is in the watch-tower against the oppressive; He will destroy their houses and severely punish them.

138. Through his chain of authorities, he, peace be on him, said: [My father al-Husayn b. 'Ali, peace be on him, related to me. He said: the Commander of the faithful, the blessings of Allah be on him, addressed us. He said:] "A severe time will come upon the people; therein the rich will seize their possessions with their own teeth (by way of miserliness) although they have not been commanded to do so. Allah, the Most High, says: Do not forget generosity among yourselves. During this time the wicked will rise up while the virtuous will remain low; purchases will be made from the helpless although Allah's Messenger, may Allah bless him and his family, has prohibited purchasing from the helpless."

139. Through his chain of authorities, he, peace be on him, said: ['Ali b. al-Husayn, peace be on him, said:] "He who refrains from (defaming) the honor of men, Allah will release him from his stumble on the Day of Resurrection."
One of the precepts of Islam is that one should refrain from (defaming) the honor of men and not to mention it with evil, that he may keep the unity of the Muslims.

140. Through his chain of authorities, he, peace be on him, said: ['Ali b. al-Husayn, peace be on him, said:] "Beware of backbiting, for it is the food of the inhabitants of the Fire."

'Ali b. al-Husayn, the master of the Allah-fearing, peace be on him, has presented the prohibition of backbiting, which is the most atrocious of all forbidden things, for it leads to spreading offenses and obscene words among the Muslims.

141. Through his chain of authorities, he, peace be on him, said: [Allah's Messenger, may Allah bless him and his family, said:] "Surely, Allah detests him who does not receive the person who comes in to him."
Among the Islamic good manners is that you should honor those who visit you in your house, not turn away from them, and accomplish their needs, especially the needs of those who are poor and needy.

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