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Imam Reza(AS)'s Assistance to a Pilgrim

Imam Reza(AS)'s Assistance to a Pilgrim

Date of Healing: 14th Zill Hujjah, 1107 A.H. (1686 AD)

In 1686, a pilgrim of the holy shrine of Imam Reza(AS) from Qandahar was robbed by highway thieves on his way to Mashhad. They had looted all his belongings and when he was defending himself they had badly injured his shoulder too. Due to this injury he had lost the motor nerves of his hand leaving it totally paralyzed. He had visited many doctors hoping to recover the mobility of his hand and they had done their best to help him but their efforts had born no fruit for the poor Qandahari pilgrim.
He, then visited the blessed shrine of Imam Reza(AS) and started crying. Then with a broken heart he had pleaded to the Holy Imam(AS): "O beloved Imam who got martyred far away from home! I'm your pilgrim, and I too far away from my home! Please help me and heal my hand as I will have lots of problems living without it till the end of my life. While he was praying and reciting the pilgrimage supplications he suddenly noticed that he had been moving his hand without even noticing how easily he did so! He then cried and thanked the Holy Imam(AS).

Amazing Account of a Blind Man from Tabriz

Date of Healing: 15th of Rajab, 1104 (1683 A.D.)

Thiqat-ul-Islam Hajj Sheikh Ali Akbar Moravvej narrates: Hajj Abul Samad Tabrizi from Tabriz (Capital of the East Azerbaijan province, northwestern Iran) had totally lost the eyesight of both of his eyes after a long severe disease.
He had then decided to visit the holy shrine of Imam Reza(AS).

When he had reached the holy city safely, without any delay he had gone towards the holy shrine of the Eighth Imam.

Upon his entrance to the blessed shrine, with eyes full of tears, and a broken heart, but full of hope of being healed by the Holy Imam(AS), he had proceeded towards the Zarih. He had then held tightly to the Zarih and started crying. He earnestly requested the Holy Imam(AS) for the recovery of both of his eyes. After spending some time near the blessed Zarih he had felt that he could see everyone around the Zarih. "With full enthusiasm I shouted I have been healed!"

Thequt-ul Islam Hajj Sheikh Ali Akbar Moravvej says: "I was there when we noticed how Haj Abdul Samad's eyes were glowing at once we reported the miraculous incident to the concerned office at the courtyard, and the Khuddams (servants of Imam Reza(AS)) at the shrine started beating the drums at the Naqqar Khaneh, thus celebrating the divine gift.

A Disabled Woman is Healed

Date of Healing: 20th Safar, 1116 A.H. (1695 AD)

A woman from Zoorabad-a district near Mashhad-had totally lost the ability to walk following a serious illness.
Her relative had taken her to holy city of Mashhad for the pilgrimage of Imam Reza(AS). They had left her near the Panjareh Fulad (steel grill) at the Sahn-e Atiq (Enqelab Courtyard now).

While holding to the grill she had started crying and earnestly pleading to the Holy Imam(AS) for her recovery.
With a broken heart, she had said, "O Imam Reza (AS)! Help me and heal my legs. I have been brought here with much difficulty to visit you, full of hopes to be healed. I shall not leave your court unless you would heal me. O Imam who always helps the needy. You were once a stranger in this land and now a stranger in need is pleading to you in the land that is truly yours. Please help me and heal me, as God has permitted you to heal!

It was not long since she had finished her supplications when she felt she could move her legs! She got got up on her legs and walked towards the holy shrine.

An Impresseive Account of a Blind Girl

Date of Healing: 9th of Ramadhan, 1124 A.H. (1703 A.D)

Muhammad Shafaee Tabasi had a ten year old daughter who had lost the ability to see due to a serious illness and still felt a severe pain in both of her eyes.
Along with her daughter, Muhammad Shafaee entered the shrine of Imam Reza (AS).
The father and daughter started crying and reciting the salutations (Ziyarat Nameh). Then they offered their pilgrimage prayers and both pleaded to the Holy Imam(AS) for the recovery of the eyes of the young girl.

They cried and pleaded to the Holy Imam(AS) quite politely for a relatively long time. While they were busy with supplications the little girl felt that she was able to see everything around her! She cried and told her father about the great event. "I have been healed father!."

The other pilgrims and Khuddams (honorary servants of shrine) at the shrine surrounded the girl and her father, and guided them to the Miracles' Registration Office of the Holy Shrine. Where they reported and registered the miraculous incident. On that day the Khuddams started beating the Kettle-Drums at the Naqqar Khaneh as a sign of rejoicing the divine intervention.

A Blind Girl Recovers Her Eyesight

Date of Healing: 6th of Jamadi-ul-Akhar, 1130 AH (1709 AD)

Najmiyeh, whose homeland was Miyaneh-a district near Mashhad had totally lost her ability to see after a severe and painful illness.
Before her illness she had got engaged with one of her cousins, but when her cousin had come to know about her blindness he had refused to marry her.

Deeply disappointed she had fallen asleep, and in a dream a pious old man had instructed her to visit the shrine of Imam Reza(AS), asking him for recovery of her eyes and promptly set out towards the holy city of Mashhad.

She later on said, "When I entered the blessed shrine I started crying and pleading to the Holy Imam(AS) Then I went towards the blessed head side of the Holy Imam(AS), while I was crying and requesting him to heal me. Then, to my great astonishment, I saw the great Imam standing before me. He told me that I had been healed and ordered me to open my eyes. After being confined to darkness for such a long time, I opened my eyes and the light around me filled me with a feeling of extreme joy. After a little while, which was spent getting acquainted with my new condition, I realized that I could see everywhere! I cried with joy and thanked Almighty Allah and the great Imam.

A Disabled Man is Healed

Date of Healing: 27th of Jamadi-ul Awwal, 1132 AH (1711 AD).

Khajah Bakhtiyar a resident of Majd-a district near Kashmar, Khorasan Province-was a disabled man as his legs were paralyzed.
Once he had a dream in which it was suggested to visit the holy shrine of Imam Reza(AS) and ask the Imam for his recovery.

Soon after this dream Khajah Bakhtiyar joined a caravan which was leaving for the holy shrine of the Imam.
The caravan people guided Khajah Bakhtiyar to the Enqelab Courtyard and left him near the Panjareh Fulad (Steel Grill) and then left for their own pilgrimage rituals.
Khajeh Bakhtiyar says:

"After reciting the pilgrimage salutations to the Holy Imam(AS), I started crying and pleading to the Holy Imam(AS) to help and heal my legs. While busy with my supplications I heard a voice that kindly ordered me, "Stand up!" I obeyed the order, got up and it took me a while to realize that I had been able to use my legs!

A Paralyzed Woman is Healed

Date of Healing: 10th of Rajab, 1132 A.H (1711 A.D)

A woman from Dehnouk, once a village near holy city of Mashhad had become paralyzed after a severe illness. She is one of the people who got healed by the kind Imam Reza(AS). She later on recalled her miraculous recovery as such:

I entered the shrine and at my first glance at the blessed Zarih I saw a man dressed in white who was pouring water on the Zarih's lock. I told him, "Could you please give a little bit of that water to me so that I could be healed?! He said, "I will first sanctify this water and then give it to you!" Then he gave me the water, I drank it and was totally relieved of all pains and sorrows! I then noticed that I was able to move my legs! After I was healed the women surrounded me and tore my clothes each taking a small piece of it.

A Sabzewari Blind Woman Regains her Eyesight

Date of Healing: 20th of Rajab, 1132 AH (1711 AD)

A woman from Sabzewar had got blind at the age of seven due to a severe illness. After the passage of twenty years she had a dream in which a great spiritual man had ordered her to go to Mashhad and visit the holy shrine of Imam Reza (AS).

"The next morning I set out towards Mashhad. Upon reaching city, I found my way to the holy shrine and entered it after asking for permission from Almighty Allah, the Holy Prophet of Islam(p.b.u.h), the Holy Imams(AS), and the angels that guard the shrine. I then cried and pleaded to the great Imam to heal me. I then constantly kept performing prayers and reciting supplications.

Suddenly I was shocked as I felt as if someone was gently touching my eye lids.It was shortly after this exciting moment when I realized that I could see the light! Then, by and by I also recognized the people and objects around me. Then, filled with joy, I shouted "I'm, healed! The Holy Imam(AS) has healed me!"

A Disabled Child is Healed

Date of Healing: 1133 AH (1712 AD)

A woman from Kharaz, a village near Qaf, that is one of the suburbs of Mashhad, had a twenty-two months old child. One of her child's hands was paralyzed. Hoping to gain her child's recovery, she decided to visit the shrine of Imam Reza(AS).

When she arrived in Mashhad safely she immediately took her child to the holy shrine. When she entered the shrine of the great Imam, with a broken heart, and eyes full of tears, she started pleading to the great Imam for the urgent recovery of her child.

She then started praying near the Zarih and kept repeating her request. While desperately crying she took the paralyzed hand of her child and rubbed it on the lock of the Zarih. When she was doing so she realized that the child's little hand was gently moving in her hand. She shouted, "My child is healed!"

Splendid Healing Account of a Nine-Year-Old Girl

Date of Healing: 6th of Rajab, 1133 A.H (1712 A.D.)

A nine year girl from Khazar, a district of the holy city of Mashhad, was blind.
The girl's family members decided to take her to Mashhad and ask the Eighth Imam to recover eye sight for her.

When they reached Mashhad, the land of blessings, the guests of the great Imam performed their pilgrimage ablutions, and then while crying, then entered the holy shrine. They all started pleading to the great Imam for the little girl's recovery.

Then they all began reciting the pilgrimage salutations (Ziyarat Nameh) of the great Imam with full devotion. After the completion of the supplications they cried and pleaded to the holy Imam continuously to heal their innocent daughter.

While they were busy reciting their supplications, suddenly the girl shouted "I'm healed! Now I can see!". The Khuddams gathered around the girl while chanting 'Salawat' and took her to the Miracles Registration Office of the holy shrine. Then the Khuddams started beating the kettle-drums at the Naqqar Khaneh to rejoice the miraculous incident.

Astonishing Healing Account of Mirza Ahmad Ali Hindi

Muhaddith Nurollah narrates:
Agha Mirza Ahmad Ali Hindi was a pious Muslim. He was in fact one of the greatest scholar of his time. He had lived in Karbala for 50 years and was an ardent visitor to the blessed shrine of Sayyed-ush- Shohada (Doyen of All Martyrs) Imam Husayn(AS).

Once he told me that when he was in India he had a severe wound on his knee.
Agha Mirza Ahmad Ali Hindi says "My father was a well known personality of the city. He called the famous doctors from all over India for my treatment. The doctors visited me and informed my father that they could not diagnose the disease after necessary examinations and advised him to call a British doctor who was a famous specialist.
The British doctor was called and after the necessary check-ups and evaluating the wounds on my knee, he said "The wound has become very chronic and most probably it could grow to be cancerous! Only Jesus Christ could heal your disease at this stage!"

Hearing the British doctor's comments made me very upset. As I was very desperate and had lost all my hope towards recovery, I prayed to Almighty Allah to help His weak creature. At night, when I was sound asleep, I was so lucky as to see my master! Imam Reza(AS) in a righteous dream, He, who was standing beside me said, "O Ahmad! come towards me!" I said "My gracious master! As you are aware I can not come to you!" but he once again repeated "Why don't you come towards me Ahmad?!" This time I got out of my bed, stood, and went towards the Holy Imam(AS).

The Imam drew his blessed hand over my wound. Then I said to Imam "O dear Imam! My intention is to come to your shrine on foot!" He said, "By the will of Allah you will come!"

When I woke up I was totally cured and found not a single sign of wound on my knee.

Magnificent Healing Account of a Mute Girl

The great scholar marhum Sheikh Horr-e-Ameli has narrated many of the miracles of the infallible Imams in his book "Kitab-ul Asbat ul-Huda' (Records Book of Divine Guidance). Also many miracles of these holy men have been narrated in a book entitled 'A'alam-ul Vara' compiled by the late Sheikh Tabarsi.

Still, innumerable miracles occur daily at the holy shrines of the great Imams and both bodies and souls of many Muslims (both Shi'as and Sunnis) are continuously healed and saved at the blessed shrines of these divine men of Allah.

Many of the blind, mute, paralyzed faithful people are healed by the great Imams(AS) and there is no doubt about it that still the people are witness to occurrence of miracles at the blessed shrines.

Then the great Sheikh Horr-e Ameli says "As I have been a resident of the holy Mashhad for 26 years I have witnessed many miracles - many people have been healed or their wishes have been granted by the great Eighth Imam. I myself, for instance, have pleaded to the great Imam many times and whatever I have ever requested the great Imam has always fulfilled my requests.

He further says, "there was once a girl, one of my neighbors daughter, who was born mute. She was miraculously healed by the great Imam. Following is a brief account of that great miraculous incident:

The girls herself narrates, "When I entered the shrine I noticed a divine personality standing beside the blessed grave of the great Imam. I was quite sure that it was the great Imam Reza(AS) himself. The Holy Imam(AS) addressed me and asked me to say:

'The Imam said' Why don't you answer my address?!'
And then again the Imam Reza(AS) ordered me to answer him.
"So I began speaking and my dumbness had totally been healed!"
The girl started chanting Salawats as she incessantly cried, (O Allah! Bless Muhammad(p.b.u.h) and his pure progeny). Then she thanked the Almighty Allah for her recovery at one of His most beloved servants' shrine.

Sheikh Horr-e-Ameli says, "Then I composed a poem about the miraculous incident:
'O! blessed one who had conversation with Imam Reza(AS). And the great Imam had talked with you in kind words, Peace of Almighty Allah be upon you!

Come and talk with me now lucky child!
So that I can also find the opportunity to talk with you.
Who are the one who had spoken with my beloved Imam!
And I don't know child, whether it was your innocence that att
racted the Imam.
Or was it your strong faith in him that pleased him And made you lucky enough to be favored by his endless blessings?!'

A Kermani Blind Woman Recovers Her Eyesight

In the third volume of "Diniyeh" on page 40 it has been stated that Hajj Sheikh Mahmoud Kermani heard from a Kermani woman that she had been healed at the shrine of Imam Reza(AS). "I invited her, along with her family, to my house and then asked her about the minutes of the miraculous event. Following is her remarks:

"After tolerating a severe pain in my eyes, I lost the eyesight of one of them. I referred to an eye specialist in Kerman but his remedies had no result. Gradually, the condition of my second eye, too, was getting worse and so I went to Tehran for further treatment.

In Tehran I referred to the most famous ophthalmologists. After the necessary check-ups the doctors informed me that one of my eyes had become totally blind and that there were chances for developing the disease in the other eye.

After one year of useless and expensive treatments, however, they said there was no assurance for any degree of recovery!

After hearing the doctor's unfortunate comments I lost hope and got seriously depressed. Quite disappointed, I asked my husband to take me to holy city of Mashhad for a pilgrimage. "There I will plead to Imam Reza(AS) and request him to heal me, "I told him.
Hence, we set out for Mashhad. When we reached Mashhad safe and sound I soon left our temporary residence towards the holy shrine.

At first glance at the shrine of the great Imam tears started flowing down my face. When I entered the premises of the holy court of the Imam I noticed that I could feel the spiritual and sanctified atmosphere with all my existence. I started with the pilgrimage special salutations (Ziyarat Nameh) of Imam Reza (AS) and while crying I said "O Benevolent Creator, Allah! For the sake of the Imam Reza(AS) heal this worthless maid of yours!" While I was constantly repeating my earnest request, I added, "O most beloved Imam Reza! your poor pilgrim has come full of hopes.

So please do not return her without fulfilling her earnest request! O Imam! I have come from far away and I shall not leave your blessed court unless I get totally healed." As I was repeating my request to the great Imam, I noticed that a great spiritual personality was approaching me. I was quite sure that it was the kind Imam Reza(AS) himself, coming to welcome his little, sad guest.

He then saluted me and said, "Stand up lady!" I told him, "But I cannot see master!" He once again kindly repeated, "Stand up my pilgrim!" This time, heavily shocked by the words "my pilgrim,' I stood, and felt as if I had been just born from my mother again. Stranger than all, I could see everywhere more brightly and clearly than ever before! Unconsciously, I screamed, "I have been healed!

The Khuddams then took me to the superintendent of holy shrine of Imam Reza(AS). The superintendent said "Show me an evidence to prove you were previously blind,' adding, "Can you provide any proofs'. I told him that my doctors in Tehran were witnesses and that they knew in detail about my illness.

"Here are some of their prescriptions and you can inquire about my case." The superintendent wrote a letter to the doctors and inquired about my illness. After receiving the confirming replies from the doctor the superintendent gladly certified that the woman's case was a genuine occurrence of the great Imam's miracles.

Miraculous Healing Account of a Mute Man

It has been narrated in "Oyoun" that Abu-Nasr, a resident of Neyshabur was a Mua'zzin. Due to some severe illness he had gradually lost his power of speech and became totally dumb. He himself narrates: "As I had been told by the doctors that illness was incurable the only hope left for me was to visit the blessed shrine of Imam Reza(AS) and to request the Imam to heal me.

"Therefore, I set out towards the holy city of Mashhad. My homeland Neyshabur is at a 105 kilometers distance from Mashhad.

When I arrived in Mashhad safe and sound, without wasting any time I headed for the blessed shrine. When I entered the shrine I instantly felt the heavenly spiritual atmosphere prevailing in the shrine. I walked towards the blessed head side of the Holy Imam(AS) and then with a complete devotion started reciting the special salutation (Ziyarat Nameh). As I could not control my emotions I started crying, and meanwhile, very humbly pleading to the great Imam to heal me!

As it is recommended to offer "two Rak'ats' of prayer at the blessed head side of the Holy Imam(AS), I started my prayers and after that I prostrated and once again pleaded to the great Imam to heal me. While I was prostrating I felt drowsy and fall asleep. Then I dreamed of a blessed man, whom I was sure was the Eighth Imam. His eyes were brownish. He came out from the Zarih and stood by my side.

Imam Reza(AS) then ordered me, "O Abu-Nasr! Say "La Ilaha Ilallalah" (there is no God except Allah). I tried to point out the fact to the Holy Imam(AS) that I couldn't talk. He very easily understood me, and said, Don't you believe in Almighty Allah's endless power?! Then don't hesitate and repeat after me, "La Ilaha Ilallah" This time, both shocked and encouraged by the Imam's strong reasoning, and quite unconsciously, I said "La Ilaha Illallah." Then I woke up, raised from prostration position, and I thanked the Almighty Allah and the great Imam Reza(AS).

Imam Reza's (AS) Assistance to a Woman from Azghadeh

The following miraculous event has been derived from the book "Muntaqib-ut-Tariq" of the late Haj Ghulam Mohsin Azghadi, who was famous by the name Haj Akhundi. In his book he narrates:

"In our town Azghadeh there used to live a poor faithful woman who used to pay a visit to Imam Reza's(AS) holy shrine every year on foot.

One year when she returned from the shrine she came with a handful of gifts (shoes, infant dresses, etc.) for her near and far relatives and even all the inhabitants of her town.
When asked how she could you buy all those gifts as all know that she was not in a position to afford them, and furthermore that she always went on foot to the holy city of Mashhad to save the way fare, she replied, "When I reached the great Imam's shrine this year I noticed that the great Imam himself was inside the Zarih. He inquired about my folks and citizens. He insisted that I should talk to him about the living status of anyone I knew in Azghadeh!Then he gave me a reasonable amount so that I could buy some gifts for my fellow citizens folks on my way back to Azghadeh!

When she replied to our queries in these sincere, and yet shocking words we felt we were speechless to say any more word about the gifts! yet, our curiosity made some assume that as she was very poor she must have begged the money for buying the gifts in Mashhad.
This incident was almost forgotten when I once decided to go to a pilgrimage of Mashhad to visit the blessed shrine of Imam Reza(AS). Incidentally, my trip coincided with our old lady's annual pilgrimage to Mashhad.

When we reached Mashhad, out of curiosity, I followed her to the shrine unnoticed. I saw her entering a house in which she apparently made her pilgrimage ablution. She then started walking towards the holy shrine, without noticing that I was following her.

Soon after she entered the shrine she went towards the blessed Zarih. She clasped the Zarih and at that time I was standing outside the Zarih's area and could not see her. After sometime she came out of the shrine and then I walked to her. I greeted her with the Islamic salutation Salaamun Alaikum! (Peace be upon you). She was very glad to see me and returned my greetings as, "Wa Alaikum-us Salaam!" (peace by upon you too).

I asked "You stayed near the holy Zarih for a long time. Why was that?" "Well," she replied, "Imam Reza(AS) inquired about all my folks and the people of Azghadeh again and like the last time provided me with enough money to buy gifts for them again! When she opened her palm though, I noticed there was a small Qur'an in her palm! That was when I realized that due to her strong faith, piety and full devotion and love of the Holy Prophet Muhammad(p.b.u.h) and his pure progeny she was in a station that she could see and talk with the Holy Imam(AS).

Imam Reza's(AS) Assistance to the Pilgrims from Bahrain

The following miraculous event is recorded in the books Dar-ul Islam of Muhaddith-e Nouri and Tohfat-ul Razaviyyah,"One of the Khuddam narrates:

"The Khuddams are on duty day and night and are supposed to be always present at the various Riwaqs (prayer halls of the holy shrine) to guide the pilgrims if necessary and help the ones in need.

"One night it was my turn to be at one of the Riwaqs called 'Dar-ul-Huffaz'. As I was tired I fell asleep. I dreamt that I was standing behind one of the doors of the shrine. It was suddenly opened and Imam Reza(AS) appeared at the gate. He greeted me and then told me "Get up and tell someone to get the torches, light them and put them at the top of the minarets as some Arab pilgrims from Bahrain who are going to visit me are lost in the desert amid a snow storm!

"Hurry up! they are near Turoq and they are heading in the wrong direction. I can't stand seeing my pilgrims in trouble! Go and call Reza Taqi Shah, the superintendent of the shrine and tell him to light the torches, get them and fix them atop the minarets."
"I woke up and narrated my dream to the Khuddams that were at hand. It was snowing heavily as we went out and lit the torches and then fixed them at the top of the minarets of the holy shrine. Then we all went to the superintendent's house and told him about the Arab pilgrims and the torches!

The superintendent instantly ordered to fetch some more torches and then set out towards Turoq along with me and some other Khuddams. Once we got there we saw a caravan whose people had gotten lost due to the darkness of the night and the heavy snow.We greeted them and they told us that they were on their way to Mashhad but due to the snow storm they had got lost. "We were frightened and could not proceed as our horses too were frightened and would not move. Then we all gathered, cried and pleaded to Almighty Allah to assist us. Among us there is a pious 'alim' who fell asleep as he was too tired to remain awake. He had a dream of Imam Reza(AS) and the Imam told him "Get up! I have ordered my servants to light the torches at the minarets and have also sent the superintendent and some men to receive you!"

Miraculous Healing Account of Allameh Haj Sheikh Mohammad Baqer

It has been narrated in the third volume of Kebrit-ul Ahmar that the compiler of the book, Allamah Hajj Sheikh Mohammad was healed by the Imam Reza(AS). The miraculous event, as narrated by him is:

"I was on a pilgrimage to the holy shrine of Imam Reza(AS) in Mashhad. A severe pain started to develop in my leg a few days before reaching the holy city, and it gradually become worse so that I could not even go to sleep any more.

My illness gradually worsened and sometimes I would even shiver due to pain. Yet, I kept the disease as a secret to myself and did not say anything about it to my family or the others in the caravan, as I knew there was really nothing they could do in that desert to help me. It would have only made them uneasy.

When we reached Mashhad, although I could not proceed any more, with an unbelievable difficulty I started to walk I finally managed to enter the holy shrine and after reciting the pilgrimage salutations (Ziyarat Nameh) I started crying and pleaded to the great Imam to relieve me from the terrible sufferings, of which no one but but Allah knew! I then rubbed my leg against the marble floor of the shrine and kept on crying and requesting the Holy Imam(AS) to heal me.

While reciting the supplications at once I noticed that the pain in my leg was completely gone. I stood up raised my hands I thanked the Almighty, as well as the great Imam.

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