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Why Pray in Arabic?

The question sometimes is asked as to why a Muslim should pray only in Arabic language and not his mother tongue.
It may first seem logical that every Muslim should pray through his own mother language, so that he may understand what he say; but a little more thinking and study, we shall find that there are strong arguments in favor of only one common language and that also Arabic.

Arabic: A deep and vast Language
It is a fact recognized by the linguists that the Arabic language has the best ability to express wide and deep thoughts and to explain important subjects in short and precise words. Moreover, it has been proved that no language, except Arabic, is capable of presenting such deep spiritual, moral and ethical expressions in such an eloquent manner. Therefore the choice of Arabic for Islamic prayers is not to be wondered upon.

A Common Language for the Islamic Prayer
All Muslims perform their religious rites and worship of God, including the daily five time prayers, in Arabic. This is done in the same wordings by all Muslims, Arabs and non-Arabs alike, even by those who do not understand Arabic. This system of prayers in one common language was in practice during the life time of the Prophet of Islam and has continued after him for more than 1400 years. In every country, Muslims have been praying in Arabic language.

Cementing the Islamic Brotherhood
Prayer in Arabic cements the Islamic brotherhood and emphasizes the universal character of Islam. Islam has come for the entire Human race. It is a fact that the Muslim Communities of the world, like all other communities, speak numerous languages and dialects. At the same time it should be appreciated that our life today is rapidly assuming international character. Distance between any two points of the world has shrinked fantastically.
Thus, Islam, the universal religion, has paved the way of common approach to God, has united its followers and instilled in them a feeling of everlasting Brotherhood.

Quran, Work of Allah
Arabic in which the Holy Qur'an and traditions of the Prophet have been revealed has a special status and honor. This high status of Arabic is not due to its being the language of the Arabs; rather it is because of its being language of Qur'an chosen by Almighty God for conveying His last message and revelation.

Translation almost Impossible
Any translation of the original will not be the word of God but the work of human beings. Keep in view the imperfect human knowledge, and remember that Arabic is the widest and richest of all languages. Then you will have to admit that no translation of the Qur'an would be perfect enough to carry the true meanings and to fulfill the spiritual purposes.

Source: Almujtaba Islamic Network

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