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Dangers of the Tongue

It has been narrated from Nafi from Ibn Umar that he said that the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P) said, “May (Allah) have mercy on that servant who gives benefit when he speaks or who is protected through maintaining silence. Surely the tongue is the thing which wields the most authority over a person. Be aware that everything that the servant speaks is against him except for the remembrance of Allah the High or the commanding of others to that which is right or preventing them from that which is evil or setting the affair right between two believers.” One of the companions named Mu’adh ibn Jabal said, “Messenger of Allah! Will we be held accountable for that which we speak?” The Prophet replied, “Is there anything else except an active tongue of the person that will lead him into the hell fire? So then whoever seeks safety (from the fire), let him protect that which comes from his tongue.”
(Bihar al-Anwar)
In this Hadith, the Prophet has alluded to some issues regarding the tongue and has stated that may Allah’s mercy be upon that servant whose speech people can gain benefit from and who observes silence in order to stay safe and protected.

Source: Ahlulbayt Islamic Mission

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