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Origin of Good and Evil

Imam Sadiq (A.S) said:
We are the origin of every good, and from our branches is every righteousness. So, from the righteousness is ‘ التَّوْحِيدُ ’ Oneness (Al- Tauheed), and the Prayer, and the Fasts, and suppression of the anger, and the pardoning others, and being merciful to the poor, and being helpful to the neighbor, and accepting the preference of the deserving ones.
And our enemies are the origin of every evil, and from their branches is every ugliness and immorality. So, from these is the lie, and the niggardliness, and the slander, and the cutting-off (relationships), and consumption of the interest, and consumption of the wealth of the orphans without right, and infringement of the limits of the Commands of Allah, commission of the immoral acts, the apparent from it as well as the hidden, and the adultery, and the theft, and every that which is consistent with that from the ugliness. So he has lied, the one who thinks he is with us whilst he attaches himself to the branches of others (which are) rather than ours.
[Source: Al-Kafi, Vol 8, Hadees 14784]

Reference: Marefate AhleBait (A.S).com

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