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Everyone aspires to be happy in his life. Imam Ali (A.S) provides you with a nine-point canon to reach this goal thus:

قَوَاعِد الْسَّعَادَة الْتِسع لِأَمِير الْمُؤْمِنِيْن عَلِي عَلَيْه الْسَّلَام

Nine rules for happiness by the Commander of the Faithful Ali:

أولاً: توكل على الله في السراء والضراء

FIRST: Rely on Allah when pleased and when grieved.

ثانياً: اتق الله في خلواتك و سفرك وحضرك

SECOND: Fear Allah when you are alone, when traveling and when at home.

ثالثاً: لَا تُكْرَه أَحَدا مُهِمَّا أَخْطَأ فِي حَقِّك

THIRD: Do not coerce anyone, no matter how much he wrongs you.

رابعاً: لَا تَقْلَق أَبَدا مَهْمَا بَلَّغْت الْهُمُوْم ذروتها

FOURTH: Do not worry, no matter how high your concerns may pile up.

خامساً: عِش فِي بَسَاطَة مَهْمَا عَلَا شَأْنُك

FIFTH: Live simply no matter how high your prestige may be.

سادساً: تَوَقَّع خَيْرَا مَهْمَا كَثُر الْبَلَاء

SIXTH: Anticipate goodness no matter how serious the affliction may be.

سابعاً: أُعْطِي كَثِيْرَا و لَو حُرِمْت القليل

SEVENTH: Give a lot though you may be deprived even of a little.

ثامناً: ابْتَسِم و لَو الْقَلْب يَقْطُر دَمَا

EIGHTH: Smile even if your heart may be bleeding.

تاسعاً: لَا تَقْطَع دُعَاءَك لِأَخِيْك الْمُسْلِم بِظَهْر الْغَيب

NINTH: Do not stop supplicating for your Muslim brother when he is absent.
[Nahjul Balagha]

Ref: Ahlulbayt Islamic Mission (AIM)

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