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Whoever loves his beard …!

Sheikh Jaafer Kashiful Gitaa, a great scholar and mujtahid used to collect money in order to help the poor. One day as he had distributed money amongst the poor, a poor man from the progeny of the Prophet (S) asked him for something to fulfil his needs.

The Sheikh was apologetic that he didn’t have anything to help the poor man when the latter pulled at the beard of the Sheikh and demanded to be helped. The Sheikh announced that who ever loved his beard i.e. respected him, should help the poor man; and so it happened that the people filled the beard of the Sheikh with gold and silver in respect of him.

In this way the Sheikh diverted the love the people had for him in the service of the poor masses around him. (Maadhi An Najaf Wa Haadhiruha 122-123, Qasas Al Ulama 201, 207)

Taken from: Islamic - laws


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