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Writings by al-Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (AS)

Writings by al-Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (AS)

Ref: A'yan al-Shi'a by al-Sayyid Muhsin al-Ameen (r), pp 668-669
1. His letter (Risalah) to the Najjashi, known as the letter of 'Abdullah bin al-Najjashi.
2. His letter mentioned by al-Sadouq in al-Khisal, contains issue of shari'a (all matters of fiqh).
3. The book "Tawheed al-Mufadhdhal", dictated by al-Mufadhdhal bin Omar.
4. The book "al-Ihliljiya", narrated by al-Mufadhdhal bin Omar.

5. The book "Misbah al-Sharee'a".
6. His letter to his companion, mentioned by al-Kulaini in Rowdhat al-Kafi.
7. His letter to the people of "opinion and qiyas".
8. His letter on the mandate of khums (1/5) - found in "Tuhaf al Uqool".
9. His will to 'Abdullah bin Jundab.
10. His will to abi-Jaafar Muhammad bin al-Nu'man al-Ahwal.
11. "Nathr al-Durar".
12. His speech in describing the love of Ahlul Bayt, Tawheed, belief, Islam, Kufr and Fusq.
13. A letter dealing with the question of gains and dealings with money.
14. A letter on his contest to Sufies.
15. On the subject of creation of the human.
16. Short sayings of wisdom - found in "Tuhaf al-Uqool".
17. A copy of his sayings of wisdom, by Muhammad bin Maimoon.
18. A copy of his sayings of wisdom, by al-Fadheel bin 'Ayyadh.
19. A copy of his sayings of wisdom, by 'Abdullah bin abi Uwais.
20. A copy of his sayings of wisdom, by Sufyan bin 'Aiyina.
21. A copy of his sayings of wisdom, by Ibraheem bin Rajaa al-Shaibani.
22. A book narrated by Jaafar bin Basheer al-Bajali.
23. A book of his letters, by Jabir bin Hayyan al-Kufi (1000 pages/500 letters.)
24. "Taqseem al-Roeya".

This is what is known to be written in books with known titles alone. Not included are narration of hadeeth and various sciences and literature which are scattered in books of history and hadeeth.

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