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Making Many Brothers

Making Many Brothers:
Indeed, the person becomes many with his brother (friend), for he (6 friend) helps him during misfortunes and poverty, entertains him during loneliness and estrangement, advise him during perplexity, guides him during the error, remembers him when he is away, and so on. For tha reason, al- Sadiq, peace be on him, ordered (Muslias) to make ua brothers. He, peace be on him, said:” Make many friends in this world, iii they avail (you) in here and the hereafter. In this world, they fulfill (your)
needs. In the hereafter, the paople of the fire will say:’ So we have no jntcrCeSSOTS, nor a true friend.”’[1]
When al- Sidiq, peace be on him, said that the friend would avail his friend in the hereafter, he meant that the religious wise one who guides his friend to good through advising him, so he will save him from the ruin in the hereafter.
Or he may make use of his supplication for his life in the hereafter, as atSadiq said in other tradition:” Make many brothers, for every believer has an accepted supplication.”
Or because he may make use of his intercession in the hereafter, as a1-Sadiq, peace be on him said: “Make many brothers, for every believer has intercession.” Also he, peace be on him, saida “Make friends with the believers, for they have intercession with Allah.’[2]
Besides, the believing friend is worth a collection of all these qualities in here and the hereafter
Notes: _______________________________________
1 Ibid, 81407/5.
2 Ibid, 8/408/7.
Taken From : Imam Al-Sadiq By Shaykh Mohammed al-Husayn al-Muzaffar , Translator : Jasim al-Rasheed

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