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Accepting Advice

Accepting Advice:
People know that the person has superior intellect when he listens to advice and conforms to the words of the adviser, for the ignorant person sticks to fanaticism that he does not listen to the adviser. Besides, he thinks that the adviser may disclose his defects. However, he forgets that disclosing, his defects urges him to reform them. For this reason, al- Sâdiq, peace be on him, said:” The most desirable one of my brothers for me is he who gifts me my defects.”[1] He said these words to teach us, for he is far above defects.
I (the author) say: Of course, such a person is the most desirable one because he wants to save himself from the vices and adorn it with the virtue. As this quality is goo, al- Sلdiq, peace be on him, regarded disclosing the defects as a gift. This was his maximum aim to encourage the brothers (i.e. friends) to adopt this quality to disclose the defects of each other to reform them.
Al- Sadiq made it necessary for the believer to accept advice. He, peace be on him, said:” The believer is in need of three traits: success granted by Allah, the Great and Almighty, a preacher from his own self, and accepting advice.”[2]
Notes: _______________________________________
1 Ibid, 8/489/5.
2 Ibid, 8/413/3.
Taken From : Imam Al-Sadiq By Shaykh Mohammed al-Husayn al-Muzaffar , Translator : Jasim al-Rasheed

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