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Gratefulness of Boons

Gratefulness of Boons:
Al- Sâdiq, peace be on him, advised (Muslims) to preserve boons to make them last. In this connection he said:” Preserve constant boons. Be careful not to let them move to other than you. Indeed, when they move from one person (to another), they rarely come BACK to him.”
Amir al- Mu’minTn said:” When the thing turns away, it rarely comes BACK.”[1]
He (al- Sâdiq) taught them (Muslims) how to preserve boons. He said to Sadrr al- Sayrafy:” When the person has many properties, the proof of Allah against him is great. So, if you are able to change it (Allah’s proof), then do” He (Sâdfr) said:” Son of Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, with what?” He, peace be on him, said:” With fulfilling the needs of your brothers from your properties.” Then he said:” Receive boons, SâdTr, in a good manner. Thank Him Who bestows upon you. Bestow upon him who thanks you. Indeed, if you behave in such a manner. Then the addition from Allah and the advice from your brothers are a must.” Then he recited these Words of Allah, the Exalted:” If you are grateful, I would certainly give you more.”[2]
Among the methods of gratefulness is that the servant should show the boons of Allah, the Glorified. For this reason, AbU Abid Allah (al- S&liq), peace be on him, guides us to this laudable trait. He said:” Surely, Allah
loves beauty and embellishment, and hates misery and showing misery.Indeed, when Allah bestows a boon upon a person, He loves to see its effect on him.” It was said:” How?” He, peace be on him, said:” He (the person) should clean his clothes, perfume himself, sweeps the yards (of his house), and plasters his house.”
These are some important methods to show gratefulness for Allah’s boons. They explained this verse “And as for the favor of your Lord, do announce (it).”
Notes: _______________________________________
1 Shaykh Tusi, al- Mbrjalis, Majlis no.9.
2 Ibid, Majlis no. 11. Ibrahim, 7.
Taken From : Imam Al-Sadiq By Shaykh Mohammed al-Husayn al-Muzaffar , Translator : Jasim al-Rasheed

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