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Social Relations

Social Relations:
Without doubt, man imitates by nature his friends and relatives. So, he is good when they are good and is bad when they are bad. For this reason, our Imam warned people against bad social relations:” Be careful not to associate with the kings and those who clings to the life in this world, for that corrupts your religion and causes hypocrisy to you. This is a bad illness which has no cure, and brings about a hard heart and deprives you of devoutness. Cleave to ordinary people who match you, for you find good manner with them. Be careful not to wish for that which is in the hands of the children of this world. Because whoever wishes for that, his grief becomes long, does not quench his anger, and regards Allah’s blessing with him as little. So, his gratefulness is little. Look at those who are inferior to you, so you are grateful to Allah for his boons, worthy of His extra (boons), and happy at His liberality.”[1]
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1 Zayd al- Narsi, al- Kitab.
Taken From : Imam Al-Sadiq By Shaykh Mohammed al-Husayn al-Muzaffar , Translator : Jasim al-Rasheed

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