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Some of His valuable Commandments

Some of His valuable Commandments:
His valuable pieces of advice and commandments are many. He followed every method to advise (people) to follow guidance. He sometimes urges us to cleave to religious devotion, piety, diligence, long adoration, and bow (ruku’). He says:” Be propagandists to yourselves without your tongues, be graceful and do not be disgraceful.[1]
He sometimes urges us to stick to gratefulness, supplication, and reliance on Allah. He says:” Whomever is given three (things) is not prevented from three (things)- whomever is given supplication is given the answer, whomever is given gratefulness is given the addition, and whomever is given reliance (on Allah) is given the adequacy.” Then he said:” Have you recited the book of Allah, the Great and Almighty: And whoever trusts in Allah, He is sufficient for him.”[2] “If you are grateful I would certainly give to you more.”[3] “Call upon Me, I will answer you.”[4]
He sometimes guides us to despair from all people. He says:” If someone of you wants to ask Allah to give him everything, then he should despair from all people, he should have no hope with any one but with Allah. When Allah, the Great and Almighty, knows that from his heart, He gives him all his desires.”[5]
He sometimes encourages us to have noble manners and virtuous qualities. So, he describes humbleness for us and limits its positions. He says:” It is an act of humbleness to be satisfied with sitting at the end of the sitting, to greet him whom you meet, to leave the argument even if you are right, and do not love to be lauded for religious devotion.”[6]
Al- Sadiq mentioned many qualities to raise the person to a high social position. He said to his companions:” Hear my words. They are better than the dark black horses: one of you should not speak about that which does not concern him, he should leave many words about that which concerns him to find a subject to them. Perhaps, one may speak about an inconvenient subject, so he wrongs himself with his words. One of you should not argue with the clement person nor with the foolish one, for whoever argues with the clement person, he (the clement person) will drive him away. And whoever argues with the foolish one, he (the foolish one) will ruin him. When your brother is away, remember him with best words with which .you want people to remember you when you are away. And do the deed of him who knows that he will be rewarded with kindness.”[7]
He described good maimers for us to make us to conform to them. He said:” Indeed, Allah is satisfied with Islam as religion for you, then make your relation with it good through generosity and good manners.
He advised his companions to adopt the following:” Visit each other, for your visit enlivens your hearts and reminds you of our traditions. Our traditions make you feel compassion for each other. If you put them into
effect, you will be guided and saved. If you neglect them, you will go astray and (face) ruin. So, follow them and I guarantee your salvation.”’[8]
Notes: _______________________________________
1 al- Kafi.
2 al- Talaq, 30.
3 Ibrahim, 7.
4 al- Mu’min, 60.
5 al-Kafi.
6 al-Kafi.
7 Shaykh al- Thsi, al- Majfflis, Majlis no. 2.
8 al- Kafi.
Taken From : Imam Al-Sadiq By Shaykh Mohammed al-Husayn al-Muzaffar , Translator : Jasim al-Rasheed

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