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His Commandments tQ Sufyan al- Thawri

His Commandments tQ Sufyan al- Thawri:[1]
Syfyan said:” I met the Truthful one, the Son of the Truthful one, Ja’far b. Mohammed, peace be on them. 1 (i.e. Sufyan) said: Son of the Apostle of Allah, advise me. He said to me:’ Sufyan, the liar has no manhood; the tired (person) has no brother, the enviou (Person) has no rest, and the ill-natured (person) has no rightness.”’
I (sufyan) sai&” Son of the Apostle of Allah Allah bless him and his family, add more. He said to me:’ Entrust Allah to be a believer. Be satisfied with what Allah has allotted to You to be rich. Treat your neighbor with kindness to be Muslim. Do not make friends with the sinner so as not to teach you from his sin. Concerning your affairs ask the advice of those who fear Allah.”’
I (sufyän) said:” Son of the Apostle of Allah, add more. He said to me:’ Sufyän, whoever wants glory without a tribe, riches Without money, and dignity without authority, then should move from the humiliation of the disobedience of Allah to the strength of His obedience”,[2]
He (i.e. Su1ayan) said once to al- Sädiq:” I do not go till you tell me (some pieces of advice).” He (al- Sadiq) said to him:’ I will tell you, for talking with you is good. Sufyän, If Allah bestows a certain blessing upon you, and if you want this blessing to last, then praise and laud (Allah) for it very much, for Allah, the Great and Almighty, has said in His Book: If you are grateful, I would certainly give to you more.[3] And if you feel that your sustenance is slow, then ask Allah’s forgivenag5 for much, for Allah, the Great and Almighty, has said in His Book: Ask forgiveness of your Lord, surely He is the most Forgiving. He will send down upon you the cloud, pouring down abundance of rain. And help You with wealth and sons, and make for you gardens, and make for you rivers.”’[4]
“Sufyän, when the ruler or others cause a Certain matter to sadden you, say: There is neither might nor power but with Allah, for it is the key of ease and treasure of the treasures of Paradise, So, Sufyân said:’ What excellent three these are!’ [5]
Notes: _______________________________________
1 See His Famous Narrators.
2 BiMr al- Anwfir: 6, 192/78.
3 lbrflhini, 7.
4 Nuh, 10.
5 Abu Na’im, Hulyat al- Au1iya,’ 3,193.
Taken From : Imam Al-Sadiq By Shaykh Mohammed al-Husayn al-Muzaffar , Translator : Jasim al-Rasheed

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