
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm


Whoever asks the advice of the wise knows the ways of the entries and of the outlets and discovers the ways of success. So, he saves himself from dangers. Abti Abd Allah (al- Sadiq), peace be on him, discovered this fact for us 1vhen he said:” The person who asks the advice (of others) does nat perish.”[1] Also he guided us to the consultant when we face accidental vague things. He said:” When the person of you faces (a thing) which he has no ability to solve, Way does he not ask the advice of the wise man with has religion and piety?’[2]
Al- Sadiq increased the conditions of consultation and of the consultant when he, peace be on him, said: “Consultation does not take place except within its (limits. So, the advice- seeker should know it with in its limita otherwise it harms him more than it avails him. Firstly, the consultant should be wise. Secondly, he should be free and religious. Thirdly, he should be a close friend, lastly, you should tell him about your secret tba his knowledge of it is as your knowledge of yourself. Then he keeps yoIar secret. Indeed, if he (the consultant) is wise, you make use of his advice. If he is free and religious, he does his best to advise you. If he is a close friend, he keeps your secret when you tell him about it. And if you tell him. about your secret that his knowledge of it is as your knowledge of it, then. consultation is perfect.”[3]
Al- Sâdiq, peace be on him, warned (Muslims) against disobeying the consultant when he is fully qualified. He said:” Of men, ask the advice af the wise, pious (one), for he does not order (you) but (to do) good. Be careful not to disobey (him), for aisobeying the wise, pious (one) corrupba religion and the life in this world.”[4]
Also he made it incumbent on the consultant to give his advice ataèa warned him against the end when he refuses to give his advice. He, pa be on him, said:” Whoever asks the advice of his brother, but he brother) does not give him pure advice, Allah, the Great and shall deprive him of his opinion.[5]
Notes: _______________________________________
1 Ibid, 8/424/4.
2 Ibid, 8/426/7.
3 Ibid, 8/426/8.
4 Ibid, 8/426/8.
5 Ibid, 8/427/2.
Taken From : Imam Al-Sadiq By Shaykh Mohammed al-Husayn al-Muzaffar , Translator : Jasim al-Rasheed

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