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His Commandments to ‘Inwin al-

His Commandments to ‘Inwin al- :[1]
‘Inwân al- Basri disagreed with M&lik b. Anas on his ideas. So, he wanted to learn from al- Sâdiq, peace be on him. When he came to alSadiq, al- Sadiq said to him:” I am a wanted man. However, I have parts of tfre Holy Koran at every hour during night and day. So, do not busy me from these parts.” He (‘Inwلn) said:” I became sad, so I entered the Mosque of the Prophet of Allah, peace be on him, and greeted him.” Then I said two ruk’ats and said:” Allah! Allah! I ask You to Make Ja’far’s knowledge to follow Your straight path.” When my patience was over, and my heart became narrow, I went to Ja’far. When I reached his house, I knocked on the door. A servant came out. The servant said:” What is your need?” I (‘Inwân) said:” peace be on the Sharif.” The servant said:” He is performing his prayers.” So, I sat at the door. Immediately, the servant came out and said:” Come in with the blessing of Allah.” I caine in and greeted him (al- Sadiq). He greeted rue and said:” Sit down, may Allah forgive you (your sins).” So, 1 sat down. He bowed his head for a long time. Then he raised his head and said:” What is your kunya?” “AbQ Abd Allah,” I said:” May Allah fix your kunya and grant you success. What is your question?” I said to myself:” This du’a’ is very much for me.” Then he raised his head and said:” What is your question?” I said:” I asked Allah to incline your heart to me and give me some of your knowledge. I hope that Allah has accepted my supplication.” He (al- Sâdiq) said:” Abii Abd Allah, knowledge is not obtained through learning. Rather, It is light falls into the heart of the person whom Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, Wants to guide. If you want knowledge, then ask the truth of worship in yourself, seek knowledge through using it, and ask Allah to make you understand it.” I said:” Sharif 1” He said:” Do not say sharif, say AbU Abd Allah.” I said:” What is the truth of worship?” He said:” three things: the servant should not regard him self asking in what Allah has authorized him, for the servants have no authority. They think that wealth belong to Allah. They use it in the fields where He has ordered them to. So, the servant has no right in this wealth. All he has is that he should carry out what Allah has ordered him and to refrain from what He has prohibited. So, when the servant thinks that he has no right in what Allah has authorized him, spending in the fields where Allah has ordered him to spend is easy for him. When the servant authorizes his master to manage him, the misfortunes of this world are easy for him. When the servant busies himself with what Allah has ordered him to do, while have no leisure time to argue with people or vie with them in glory. When Allah honors the servant with these three things, life in this world, Iblis (the Satan), and the creation are all easy for him. Besides, he does not request the life in this world to increase (his money) or vie with (people) in glory nor does he request what people have for power and the high position and nor does he make his days go in vain. So, this is the first degree of religious devotion. Allah, the
Blessed and Exalted, said:’ (As for) that future abode, We assign ito those who have no desire to exalt themselves in the earth nor to make mischief and the good end is for those who guard (against evil).””[2]
I (‘Inwfin) said:” Aba Abd Allah, advise me.” He said:” I will advise you (to do) nine things, for they are to those who want to follow the Straight path of Alla. I ask Allah to grant you success to put them into effect. Three of them in the spiritual exercise; three of them in clemency, and three of them in knowledge. Memorize them and be careful not neglect them.” “Inwlin said:” So, I made my heart empty.” He (al- S&iiq) said:” As for those concerning the spiritual exercise, be careful not to eat what you do not feel appetite for, because it brings about foolishness and stupidity. Do not eat except when you are hungry. When you eat, eat lawful (food), say: Bismillahr rahmanir rahim, and call to mind the following tradition of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family:’ The person does not full a container more evil than his stomach. However, if it is necessary, (follow these portions): third for food, third for water, and third for breathing.’[3]
As for those concerning clemency, whoever says to you: If you say one time, I have heard ten times. Say to him: If you say ten times, you have heard none. Whoever abuses you, say to him: if you are truthful in what you say, then ask Allah to forgive me. And if you tell lies in what you say, then I ask Allah to forgive you. Whoever threatens you with obscene language, give him a piece of advice and take care of him. And as for those concerning knowledge, ask the knowledgeable about what you do not know. Be careful not to ask them to confuse or try them. Be careful not to do anything according to your opinion. Act according to precaution in all what you cannot find a way to it. Escape from giving a religious opinion, and do not make your neck as a bridge for people. Now, AbU Abd Allah, leave me, for I have given you pieces of advice. Do not spoil my reciting to the parts of the Koran, for I am sticking to them, and peace be on those who follow guidance.”2
Notes: _______________________________________
1 He has no biography in the books of our biographers.
2 al- Qasas, 83.
3 Bihar al- Anwar, 1/224/17.
Taken From : Imam Al-Sadiq By Shaykh Mohammed al-Husayn al-Muzaffar , Translator : Jasim al-Rasheed

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