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Back You are here: Home Infallibles Ja'far ibn Muhammad His Commandments His Commandments to llamrin Bin A’yun

His Commandments to llamrin Bin A’yun

His Commandments to llamrin Bin A’yun:[1]
Al- Sãdiq, peace be on him, said:” Hamrãn, look at those who are inferior to you; do not look at those who are superior to you in ability, for that makes you satisfied with what has been predestined for you, and it is more appropriate for you to get an addition (in your reward) from your Lord. Know that a few constant acts with conviction are better with Allah than many acts without conviction. Know that there is no piety more useful than refraining from harming the believers and their BACKbiting, nor is living more comfortable than good manners, nor is property more useful than satisfaction with the a few profitable (things), nor is ignorance more harmful than vanity.”[2]
Notes: _______________________________________
1 See His Famous Narrators.
2 Roudat al- Kill, 8/204/238. 
Taken From : Imam Al-Sadiq By Shaykh Mohammed al-Husayn al-Muzaffar , Translator : Jasim al-Rasheed

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