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Which one of the Prophets are still alive?

Allamah Tabatabai interpreting the verse 65 of Surah al-Kahf “Then they found one from among Our servants whom We had granted mercy from Us and whom We had taught knowledge from Ourselves“[«فَوَجَدا عَبْداً مِنْ عِبادِنا آتَیناهُ رَحْمَةً مِنْ عِنْدِنا وَ عَلَّمْناهُ مِنْ لَدُنَّا عِلْماً»] appertained to Prophet Moses (A.S) and Prophet Khidr (A.S). quotes narrations from a number of Sunni and Shia sources about some prophets being alive.
Among the narrations he has quoted is a tradition from Jalaluddin in his Al-Durr al-Manthur which is narrated from Shahin from Khasif that says:

أربعة من الأنبیاء أحیاء
اثنان فی السماء: عیسى و إدریس؛ و اثنان فی الأرض الخضر و إلیاس
فأما الخضر فإنه فی البحر و أما صاحبه فإنه فی البر

[Suyuti, Jalaluddin, al-Durr al-Manthur fi Tafsir al-Ma’thur, vol.4, p. 239]
Four of the prophets are alive two of whom are in the heavens: Jesus and Edris, and two of them are in the land: Khidr and Elias, Ilyas (Elias). As for Khidr, he is in the sea but his companion is in the land.”[Tabatabai, Sayyid Muhammad Hussein, Al-Mizan fi Tafsir al-Qur’an, Vol. 13, p. 353, Islamic Publications Office, Qom, fifth edition, 1417.]
It should be noted that this narration is also available in Shia sources but it has been narrated from Sunni sources.[ Majlisi, Muhammad Baqir, Behar al-Anwar, vol13, p. 402/ Ibn Tavus, Ali bin Musa, Sa’ad al-Saud Lil-Nofus Mandhud, p. 163]

Source: Islam Quest

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