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Back You are here: Home Articles History of Prophets Prophet Moses Allah (S.W.T) said to Prophet Moses (A.S)

Allah (S.W.T) said to Prophet Moses (A.S)

1) I have placed comfort in the paradise people look for it in this world.
Imam Musa al Kadhim (A.S) has said: “The parable of this world is like that of a snake, it is soft to touch but contains deadly poison. Men of intellect are cautious whereas children extend their arms towards it”. Prophet Jesus (A.S) has said: “Verily this world is a bridge, so cross over it but do not build on it.”
2) I have placed wealth in contentment people look for it in vast riches.
3) I have placed knowledge in hunger people look for it in whilst having filled bellies
Once, the accursed Satan manifested himself before the Prophet Yahya Ibn Zakariya (A.S). Observing that he had in his possession numerous ropes, Yahya (A.S) inquired: “O’ Iblis! What are these ropes that you hold in your hand?” Satan replied: “These ropes are the various attachments, inclinations and lusts that I have found in the children of Adam.” Yahya (A.S) asked: ‘Does there exist a rope for me too?’ Satan said: ‘Yes. When you satiate yourself with food, you experience weightiness and it is for this reason you become disinclined with respect to your prayers, dhikr and supplications.’
Hearing this, Yahya (A.S) vowed: ‘By Allah! Never shall I eat to my fill, ever again. ‘Iblis responded by pledging: “By Allah! Never shall I advise anyone, ever again.”

Source: Imam Reza.Network

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