
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Question Paper on Lesson 46

Question Paper on Lesson 46

 Question 1:       [10 points]

True or False:

(a)    Imam Muhammad at-Taqi was born in 195 A.H.

(b)   Imam at-Taqi became the Imam at age of ten.

(c)    The Shi‘as were very happy with the birth of Imam at-Taqi; but some became concerned when his imamate began at the age of eight.

(d)   One hundred and eighty scholars came from Baghdad to meet their young Imam.

(e)    Ishāq’s prayer for a son was accepted before he even asked the Imam to pray.

(f)     Imam at-Taqi was taken to Baghdad in 204 A.H.

(g)    Ibn Abi Da’ud was the judge who prepared the question on hunting in the state of ihrām.

(h)    None of the Imam’s children were born from Ma’mun’s daughter.

(i)      The Imam was buried next to his grandfather in Kazimayn.

(j)     Imam at-Taqi returned to Medina in 220 A.H.


Question 2:       [20 points]

Give two examples from the Qur’ān which prove that young age or being a child is not an impediment in the Divine representatives.


Question 3:       [10 points]

Describe the motives of Ma’mun in giving the hand of his daughter to Imam Muhammad at-Taqi (a.s.).


[46] When the husband says to his wife, “You are to me like the back of my mother,” it is not permissible for him to have sexual relationship with his wife until he atones by fasting for two successive months, or if that is not possible, then feeding sixty poor people. Uttering such a statement is known as zihār.


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