
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

5. Words of Wisdom

5. Words of Wisdom

 Some one asked Imam ar-Ridha, “Where is God?”

The Imam: “This is an invalid question because God created space; He cannot be limited to a place or recognized by the senses; He is unlike everything.”

“When did God come to exist?”

The Imam: “Tell me when He did not exist, so that I can tell when he came to exist!”

“What is the proof that the world was created?”

The Imam: “It did not exist, and then came to being. You know that the world did not create itself.”

“Can you describe God for us?”

The Imam: “Whoever describes God by attributes of other things is mistaken and misguided. I will describe God the way He has described Himself without forming any shape or image in my mind:

“He is not perceived by the [five] senses.

“He cannot be compared to people.

“He is wellknown without resemblance to anything.

“He is not unjust in His judgements...”

 * * *

 “What is imān (faith) and what is islām (submission)?”

The Imam: “Imān is superior to islām; taqwā (constant consciousness of God) is superior to faith; conviction is superior to taqwā...”

“What is conviction?”

The Imam: “Putting your trust in God, and submitting yourself to His command and wish, and being pleased with His decree, and leaving the final decision to Him.”

 * * *

 “Why did the people turn away from ‘Ali and accept others as caliphs while they knew of his exemplary services to Islam and his high status in the eyes of the Prophet?”

The Imam: “Since ‘Ali had killed many of their fathers, uncles, brothers and relatives who had come to fight against Islam; and this created the feeling of animosity in their hearts against ‘Ali and, consequently, they did not like that ‘Ali should become their leader. They did not harbour such feelings against the other [caliphs] since they did not hold the same [high] position with the Prophet as that of ‘Ali neither did they rank equal to him in defending Islam in jihād. This is the reason why people turned away from ‘Ali and accepted others.”

 * * *

 This lesson has been written and compiled by Sayyid M. Rizvi by using the following sources.

            1. Shi’a Islam’ of Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn at-Tabataba’i.

            2. Pishway-e Hastum: Hazrat ‘Ali ar-Riza (a.s.) by Dar Rah-e Haq, Qum.

 The main sources have been extensively edited in order to fit the requirements of our course. Also, for the sake of brevity, we have not included the references quoted by our sources. Those who are interested to know the sources may refer to those mentioned above.

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