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Question Paper on Lesson 38

Question Paper on Lesson 38

 Question 1:       [20  points]

Fill in the blanks from the list of words given below:

 ‘Ali bin Abi Tālib was born in the ________ to ___________________ . From the age of _______, he lived with the Prophet. In the gathering of his relatives, the Prophet declared ‘Ali as his __________, ___________ and _______________ . On the night of _____________, ‘Ali slept in the Prophet's bed.

In the event of brotherhood in Medina, the Prophet said, “O ‘Ali you are my brother in this _______ as well as in the ___________.” In the battle of Khandaq, ‘Ali slew a very brave Arab warrior known as ______________; and he also killed the famous Jewish warrior, __________, in Khaybar.

 ‘Umar ibn Khattab used to say that “If it hadn't been for ‘Ali, ‘Umar would have ___________ .” ‘Ali was chosen by the people as a caliph after the murder of ____________ because of his _________ policies.

‘Ali had to fight _________ and _________ in the Battle of the Camel. The battle against Mu‘āwiya was known as _________ . Those against whom ‘Ali fought in the Battle of Nahrawan were known as the ___________ .

 The Prophet said, “I am the city of ____________ and ‘Ali is its ______ .”


Khawarij          `Uthman

`Amr                migration

gate                  six

Talha                Ka`bah

world               perished

Zubayr             knowledge

brother             hereafter

Marhab            unjust

inheritor            successor

Siffin                 Fatima bint Asad         


Question 2:       [15 points]

True or False:

(a)    At the birth of ‘Ali, Fatima bint Asad stayed inside the Ka`bah for three days.

(b)   Wasiyi means “my inheritor”.

(c)    The Prophet gained many supporters when he invited his relatives and spoke to them at his home.

(d)   ‘Ali participated in all battles except Tabuk.

(e)    ‘Ali married Fatima in the third year after hijrah.

(f)     The Prophet said, “Today the total imān is going to face the total kufr” in the Battle of Khandaq.

(g)    Verse 2:207 was revealed when ‘Ali slew Marhab.

(h)    “Hubal” was toppled by ‘Ali from top of the Ka`bah.

(i)      The first three caliphs ruled for 30 years.

(j)     ‘Ali (a.s.) was wounded in the Masjid of Kufa.


Question 3:       [15 points]

Explain in your own words the loss Muslims suffered because Imam ‘Ali bin Abi Tālib (a.s.) was not allowed to lead the ummah for 24 years after the death of the Prophet (s.a.w.).


[40] “AmÄ«r al-mu’minÄ«n” is a famous title of the first Imam, and it means “leader of the believers”.

[41] Nahju ‘l-Balāgha, sermon 191.

[42] The Khawārij, literally those who stand outside, refers to a group who opposed both ‘Ali and Mu’awiyah after the Battle of Siffin and later formed an extremist group that disobeyed established authority and was adamantly opposed to both the Sunnis and the Shi‘ites.

[43] Nahju ‘l-Balaghah, will # 47.

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