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Question Paper on Lesson 36

Question Paper on Lesson 36

 Question 1:       [20  points]

 Fill in the blanks from the list of words given below:

 The Prophet was born in the 1st year of ____________ to _____________. His father ____________ passed away a few months before his birth. After the passing away of his grandfather, his uncle __________ became his guardian.

 The Prophet was well-known for being ___________ and _____________ even before the commencement of his mission at the age of _______. The first woman to accept Islam was _________ the wife of the Prophet. The first verses to be revealed on the Prophet were from chapter no. _____________.

 During the Meccan period, some Muslims migrated to _____________ under the leadership of _____________. The unbelievers of Mecca used ____________ as well as _______________ to stop the message of Islam. They even tortured some Muslims, the most famous of them is known as __________.

 The Prophet migrated to _____________ which later on became famous as ___________. The Muslims in Medina were generally divided into two groups as the ____________ and the _____________.

            The battle in which the Muslims gained victory but then lost it was known as _________. The battle in which the Muslim had dug up a ditch is known as __________.

 ninty-six                        Bilal

intimidation                   Khadija

Amul Fil                       Khandaq

Muhajirin                      Medina

Abyssinia                      Amina  as-Sadiq

bribe                            Ja`far

Uhud                            Abdullah

Yathrib             Ansar

al-Amin                        Abu Talib


 Question 2:       [15 points]

True or False:

(a)    The Prophet received schooling in Mecca.

(b)   Hira was the Prophet's place of retreat for worship.

(c)    Abu Tālib had not embraced Islam.

(d)   Ja`far bin Abi Tālib migrated first to Medina and then to Abyssinia.

(e)    The Banu Hāshim spent five years in the “mountain pass of Abu Tālib”.

(f)     Hijrah means the commencement of the prophetic mission.

(g)    “Madinatu ’r-RasÅ«l” means the city of the Prophet.

(h)    The Jewish tribes and the hypocrites created new misfortunes for Muslims until the matter led to war.

(i)      In all the wars during the Medinese period, more than ten thousand infidels were killed.

(j)     The Prophet conquered Mecca with 10,000 soldiers.

 Question 3:       [15 points]

Express your opinion about the statement of Ja`far bin Abi Tālib to the king of Abyssinia.

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