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Back You are here: Home Library Islam Islam: Faith, Practice & History Part III: History Lesson 36 7. The Last Pilgrimage & Death

7. The Last Pilgrimage & Death

7. The Last Pilgrimage & Death

 In the tenth year of the hijrah, the Prophet decided to go for hajj (pilgrimage). He invited Muslims to join him and be acquainted with the hajj rituals. Over a hundred thousand Muslims joined him in the hajj. Although this was the first and the last hajj of the Prophet, it is known as “al-Hajjājtu ‘l-widā’ — the Last Pilgrimage.” He seized the unprecedented gathering to remind the Muslims of many important values of Islam.

 On the way back to Medina, he stopped at Ghadir Khumm and delivered a lengthy sermon in which he summarized the major teachings of Islam, informed the Muslims of his approaching death and appointed ‘AlÄ« bin Abi Tālib as his successor.

 After ten years of stay in Medina, the Prophet fell ill and died after a few days of illness. According to existing traditions, the last words on his lips were advice concerning slaves and women.

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