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Back You are here: Home Library Islam Islam: Faith, Practice & History Part III: History Lesson 36 4. Establishing an Islamic Community

4. Establishing an Islamic Community

4. Establishing an Islamic Community

 The people of Yathrib, whose leaders had already accepted the message of the Prophet and sworn allegiance to him, welcomed him with open arms and placed their lives and property at his disposal. In Yathrib, for the first time, the Prophet formed a small Islamic community and signed treaties with the Jewish tribes in and around the city as well as with the powerful Arab tribes of the region. He understood the task of propagating the Islamic message and Yathrib became famous as “Madinatu ‘r-RasÅ«l” (the city of the Prophet).

 Islam began to grow and expand from day to day. The Muslims, who in Mecca were caught in the mesh of the injustice and inequity of the Quraysh, gradually left their homes and property and migrated to Medina, revolving around the Prophet like moths around a candle. This group became known as the “immigrants” (muhājirin) in the same way that those who aided the Prophet in Yathrib gained the name of “helpers” (ansār).

 The Prophet formulated the society on the basis of justice and equality among the believers. Brotherhood —not just in words but in action— was established among the muhājirin and the ansār. The social system of Islam even extended its justice and protection to the non-Muslims under its rule.

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