
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

The Methods of Silatu 'r-Rahm

The Methods of Silatu 'r-Rahm

 How should we do silatu 'r-rahm? Silatu 'r-rahm, as mentioned earlier, means keeping strong ties with one's relatives. There is no one way of doing silatu 'r-rahm. For example, in one hadith, the Prophet said, “Do silatu 'r-rahm even if it is by saying salām.” Silatu 'r-rahm can take different forms:  •  not giving any trouble to one's relatives; •  dealing with relatives on the basis of love and Islamic ethics; •  participating in ones’ relatives' sorrow and joy;  •  helping them financially.

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 This lesson is based on `Allamah Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi's

The Family Life of Isam (Revised Edition, 1980)

with additions and modifications made  for this course.

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