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Back You are here: Home Library Islam Islam: Faith, Practice & History Part III: History Lesson 34-Family Life In Islam (2) The Third Stage: from age fifteen to twenty-one.

The Third Stage: from age fifteen to twenty-one.

The Third Stage: from age fifteen to twenty-one.

 The Prophet described this stage of upbringing as follows: “The child...is an adviser for [the next] seven years.” At the age of fourteen, fifteen and up, a Muslim child is expected to have become a responsible teenager. Therefore, the Prophet says that the parents should now treat him or her more like a ‘friend’ than a ‘slave’.

 At this stage, the parents should guide and help their teenage child in make correct decisions for themselves. In mid- and late-teens, the child has to start the specific training or education for the career that he intends to pursue so that he may soon stand on his own feet. It is also the time when the child is nearing the age of marriage.

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