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Question Paper on Lesson 32

Question Paper on Lesson 32

 Question 1:       [10  points]

True or False:

(a)    Khums means 2.5%.

(b)   Allah, subhānahu wa ta`ala, talks about khums in verse 8:41.

(c)    All Sunni sects confine khums to the spoils of war.

(d)   The first khums was paid by Abu Tālib.

(e)    Khums is wājib on seven items.

 Question 2:       [20 points]

There are differences among the Muslim sects on the items on which khums becomes wājib. However, two of the seven items listed in the lesson are accepted by all the Muslims sects. Name those two items.

 Question 3:       [20 points]

Name the five things that the Prophet of Islam (a.s.) advised to the tribe of Bani ‘Abdu ’l-Qays.


[34] See the entry under G-N-M; in the 28th edition of al-Munjid (Beirut: Dar el-Machreq, 1986) it is on p. 561. Also see other famous dictionaries like Lisān  al-`Arab and  al-QāmÅ«s.

[35] Rizvi, S.S.A., Your Questions Answered, vol. 1 (Dar-es-salaam: Bilal Muslim Mission, 1973) p. 44-46.

[36] Ibn Khaldun, Ta'rikh, vol. 2, part II (Beirut: al-A`lami, 1971) p. 54; Ibn Kathir, al-Bidāyah wa 'n-Nihāyah, vol. 5 (Beirut: al-Ma`ārif, 1966) pp. 76-77; Ibn Hishām, Sirah, vol. 4 (Beirut: Dāru 'l-Jayl, 1975) p. 179.

[37] Abu `Ubayd, al-Amwāl (Beirut: Mu'assah Nāsir, 1981) p. 13; al-Hākim, Mustadrak, vol. 1 (Hyderabad: `Uthmaniyyya Press, 1340 AH) p. 395. For more references, see Ja`far Murtada al-`Āmili, al-Sahīh fi Sīratu 'n-Nabi, vol. 3 (Qum: n.p, 1983) p. 309.

[38] Bukhāri, Sahīhu 'l-Bukhāri, vol. 4 (Beirut: Daru 'l-`Arabiyyah, n.d.) p. 213; Abu `Ubayd, al-Amwāl, p. 13. This has also been recorded by other Sunni sources of hadtih like Sahīh Muslim, Sunan Nisā'i, Musnad of Ahmad bin Hanbal, and Sunan of Tirmidhi.

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