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Question Paper on Lesson 31

Question Paper on Lesson 31

 Question 1:       [20  points]

True or False:

(a)    Zakāt means purifying one's wealth.

(b)   Zakātu 'l-fitra is wajib on 9 items.

(c)    Just as salāt is the symbol of God's rights upon us, zakāt is the symbol of man's rights upon us.

(d)   The minimum nisāb for zakāt on wheat is 486 k.g.

(e)    Zakāt is a tax on the natural resources of the earth.

(f)     Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) said that paying zakāt will not eliminate poverty.

(g)    The nisāb for wheat and for raisins is the same.

(h)    Zakatu 'l-fitra is due only on gold and silver coins.

(i)      Zakātu 'l-fitra is due on the day of `iddu 'l-adha.

(j)     The Qur'ān has mentioned eight purposes for the utilization of the zakāt fund.

 Question 2:       [15 points]

Briefly explain what role zakāt plays in bringing about economic harmony in society.

 Question 3:       [15 points]

What is the purpose of zakātu 'l-fitra?

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