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Question Paper on Lesson 30

Question Paper on Lesson 30

 Question 1:       [20  points]

True or False:

(a)        Muslims are allowed to pick and choose from the Islamic system according to their likes and dislikes.

(b)        The Islamic economic system is not the same as capitalism.

(c)        Allah is the real owner of everything that exists.

(d)        Imam ‘Ali accepted the caliphate to maintain the social and economic status quo.

(e)        Islam is not concerned about the economic aspects of the Muslim society.

(f)          According to the Qur'ān, the Muslims said, “Should we feed the person whom God, if He wished, could feed?”

(g)        In the Islamic economic system, “equality” does not mean “similarity”. 

(h)        Khums, zakāt, and fitra are Islamic taxes.

(i)          Infāq and nifāq means the same thing.

(j)          The security provided by the Islamic economic system is restricted to Muslim citizens only.


Question 2:       [15 points]

Briefly compare the Islamic economic system with capitalism.


Question 3:       [15 points]

Expain the concept of economic equality in Islam.


[29] A prominent example in our time of such thinking was U. S. President Ronald Reagan. Patti Davis, Reagan's daughter, blamed her father's policies for fostering homelessness in the United States; she ridiculed her father's anecdotes about “welfare cheats” and his view that people are “homeless by choice.” (See Globe & Mail, September 21, 1990.)

[30] Sayyid ar-Razi, Nahju 'l-Balāghah, sermon No. 3.

[31] Hasan b. Hasan al-Hurr al-`Āmili, Wasā'ilu 'sh-Shīah, vol. 11 (Beirut: Dār Ihyā'i 't-Turāthi 'l-`Arabi, 1391 AH) p. 597.

[32] Muhammad b. Ya`qūb al-Kulayni, al-Usūlu 'l-Kāfi, vol. 1 (Tehran: Dāru 'l-Kutubi 'l-Islāmiyya, 1388 AH) p. 542.

[33] Al-`Āmili, Wasā'il, vol. 11, p. 49.

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