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Question Paper on Lesson 16

Question Paper on Lesson 16

 Question 1:      [6 points]

State the Qur'ānic verse which clearly proves that the Prophet was not subjected to the majority opinion.


Question 2:      [5 points]

What did `Umar ibn Khattāb say that historically proves that Abu Bakr's appointment as caliph had no moral, legal or ethical basis.


Question 3:      [5 points]

Who were present at the Prophet's funeral.

 Question 4:      [5 points]

Describe briefly in your own words what happened at Saqifah.


Question 6:      [5 points]

Explain how a head of the state is selected/elected after a sudden death of the President or the Prime Minister in the modern political system prevalent in the major western democracies.


 Question 7:      [24 points] 

True or False:

(a)    Allah has commanded unconditional obedience to the Prophet.

(b)   The Prophet is subject to the majority opinion.

(c)    In the peace treaty of Hudaybiyyah, the Prophet followed the majority opinion.

(d)   The Prophet had greater authority over Muslims than they themselves have.

(e)    The Prophet was infallible in religious matters only but could make errors of judgment in social affairs.

(f)     Zaynab was cousin of the Prophet whom he ordered to marry Zayd bin Hāritha.

(g)    The Prophet used to consult with people only to encourage rational thinking.

(h)    Some Sunni scholars maintain that in social matters, the Prophet is subject to majority opinion.

(i)      Aws and Khazraj were two friendly tribes of Madinah.

(j)     The leader of the tribe of Khazraj was first to pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr.

(k)   Saqifah was a conspiracy to deprive Imam ‘Ali of his legitimate right to khilāfat.         

(l)      Upon receiving word from `Umar ibn Khattāb, Abu Bakr left the Prophet's corpse to attend Saqifah's meeting.


[17] Ibn Hisham, Sirah, vol. 3, p. 321.

[18] Tabari, Ta'rikh, vol. 3, p. 1546.

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