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Question Paper on Lesson 12

Question Paper on Lesson 12

 Question 1:      [16 points]

Fill in the blanks from the pool of words given below by simply placing the number of the correct word in the blank space.

 The Qur'ān is a _____ miracle. Its beauty, _____ style, simplistic _____ and _____ appeal is, on one hand, impossible to reproduce; and, on the other hand, it penetrates the heart of a person who _____ seeks knowledge and _____.

 The Qur'ān has only one single purpose and that is to _____ mankind to the path of God. In this contest, it discusses various subjects such as chemistry, _____, biology, _____, environmental and social sciences, etc. But with a single consistent objective throughout and that is to _____ human intellect to the level where he can understand the purpose of his _____ and willingly _____ to the will of God.

 Thus some of the miraculous aspects of the Qur'ān are its unique style, its _____ and consistency of purpose and _____ of scientific facts that the modern science can only _____ as it progresses with time.

 1.      creation

2.      unity

3.      group dynamics

4.      logic

5.      guide

6.      verify

7.      multi-dimensional

8.      consistent

9.      guidance

10.  eloquent

11.  sincerely

12.  submit

13.  linguistic

14.  elevate

15.  astro-physics

16.  revelation

  Question 2:      [20 points]

True or False:

(a)    The Prophets were given miracles to give them power and overcome opposition.

(b)   Prophet `Isa was given a stick which turned into a huge snake.

(c)    Some miracles of other prophets exist even today.

(d)   The Qur'ān was revealed piecemeal over a period of 21 years.

(e)    Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) was given the Qur'ān as a miracle.

(f)     The Qur'ān is the creator of Arabic grammar.

(g)    `Abdul Fattāh Tabari, the famous Arab scholar, wrote “The Qur'ān transcends the limits of prose and poetry.”

(h)    The Qur'ān's main miraculous feature is its strength of conviction and unity of purpose.

(i)      The Qur'ān contains statements that modern science, despite its great advancement, is neither able to verify nor deny.

(j)     The Qur'ān's challenge to mankind to produce just one chapter like its own remains unfulfilled even today.

 Question 3:      [4 points]

What was the final challenge of the Qur'ān to the Arabs?

 Question 4:      [10 points]

Describe at least three miraculous aspects of the holy Qur'ān.

 For 5 Bonus Points: Give an example of a scientific fact which the Qur'ān stated 14 centuries ago which was later verified by modern science.


[6] New Researches into the Composition & Exegesis of the Qur'ān [London, 1902] p. 9

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