
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Question Paper on Lesson 8

Question Paper on Lesson 8

 Question 1:      [20 points]

Tick the appropriate box:

(a)    The purpose of our creation is to serve humanity.

(b)   Social dimension of our life is related to our attitude towards other members of the society.         

(c)    The purpose of our creation is to achieve perfection by observing the limits imposed by our spiritual dimension upon our material and social dimensions.

(d)   Human conscience is sufficient to guide human beings to perfection.

(e)    Perfection means submitting to the will of God to the extent that the individual's will merges with God's will.

(f)     Conscience is a power within every human being that identifies the good and the evil.

(g)    Prophets must perform miracles when demanded to prove their truthfulness.

(h)    Human intelligence and knowledge can guarantee the implementation of good ideas.

(i)      Prophets were sent to train human conscience and intelligence towards perfection.

(j)     A miracle that is beyond human capacity distinguishes a real prophet from an imposter.           

 Question 2:      [10 points]

What is the function of human conscience? Explain, with an example, how conscience identifies universal good and evil values.

Question 3:      [10 points]

Describe at least two reasons why Divine guidance is needed and why prophets and messengers were sent.

 Question 4:      [10 points]

How would you distinguish a real prophet from an imposter? What kind of miracle would you expect from a real prophet?

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