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Sample of Narrations From Abdolazim

Sample of Narrations From Abdolazim


Many narrations have been narrated by abdolazim hassani and since the imams p.b.u.t. like the holy prophet, talked to their followers according to their level of understanding, these narrations indicate the greatness of the thought and morals of their narrators, here we mention some narrations abut the 12th imam and the period of occult living.
The late Sadogh in Kamaloddin recounts his documents from abdolazim hassani who said: I told emam Javad I do hope that imam will come to fill the earth with justice and honesty. After the whole earth has been filled with injustice and cruelty. And he is from the household of the prophet and his progenitors.

He is hidden from the people and things become simple through him and all difficulties are lifted due to his graces. He saves the earth from the blasphemy and corruption and makes the earth the place of perpetual tranquility. His heart is filled with the grandeur of God and whenever he arrives in Medina, the two idols Lat and Ezza are taken out of the tomb and burnt out again.

Again sadoogh narrates Abdolazim Hasani as saying: I arrived in the audience of emam Javad and I intended to ask him about the hazrat Ghaem whether he is the same Mahdi or 12th imam or not. Before I pose my question, the imam began talking and said: I swear by God even one day only is left for the world to come to an end, that day will be the day in which the Hojjat of God will appear to make the whole earth full of honesty and justice and that will be the day of mostazafeen or the deprived.

God will manage all affairs of him as he managed the affairs of Moses bin Omran when he climbed the mount to bring the fire. God reformed the affair of Moses and brought him back to his household while he was a prophet. In the end, the imam added: the best thing our followers must do is awaiting the appearance of the hidden Mahdi or Ghaem.

Here he again narrates from emam Javad from ancestors that Amirolmomenin Ali said: for our Ghaem there is a hidden time which will be prolonged and he will be in the occult. I see the shiites or followers in his absence like the sheep wandering about after pastures unless they believe in the emamat of Hojjat and in this case they will be saved from wandering state.

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