
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

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Brief Answer

Brief Answer

 Each of the aforementioned actions could potentially cure his illness independently or by combining with the other two. However, the best course is to accompany all our actions—among which are medical and supernatural treatments—with supplication (which entails establishing a relationship with Allah (awj) and making a direct request from him). The reason for this is that the efficacy of a doctor’s treatment or a given medicine or, for that matter, the intercession of Imam Husayn b. ‘Ali  (ع) and the dust from near his grave, is intrinsically tied to the will of Allah (awj) himself.

 It is also important to keep in mind that the intercession of the Prophet (ص) and his family (ع) and supplications are not solutions limited to circumstances where one’s hope in natural means is lost. At the same time, making use of intercession and supplications does not imply that one should neglect natural solutions altogether because the divine plan for this world is that things occur as per their natural causes. Therefore, one can make use of all three aforementioned treatments. That is to say, along with supplicating to Allah (awj) and seeking the blessings of Imam Husayn b. ‘Ali (ع), one should refer to a doctor and seek medical treatment so that Allah (awj) accepts the Imam’s (ع) intercession, and thereby allows the medical treatment to confer its desired effect.

 In short, under no circumstances should one lose hope in the favour of Allah (awj) and the intercession of the Prophet’s family. Similarly, by no means should one cease to take advantage of the natural means at his disposal.

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