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Bibliography of Workes Cited

Chapter 6 

Bibliography of Workes Cited


 Ash'ari, Abu'l‑Hasan al. See under McCarthy

 Dehlavi, Shah 'Abdu 'l‑'Aziz. Tuhfa‑a Ithna­ 'Ashariyyah.

 Elder, E.E. A Commentary on the Creed of Islam (translation of Taftazamrs Sharh). New York, 1950.

 Fadl bin Ruzbahan. Ibtatu Nahji 'l‑Ba`til. Quoted in its entirety by ash‑Shahid al‑Qadi Nurullah ash Shushtari in his Ihqaqu 'l Haqq. Ed. Late Ayatullah Sayyid Shahabuddin al Mar'ashi an Najafi. Tehran: Matba'ah Islamiyyah.

 Ghazali, Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muham­mad al‑ (450‑505 / 1048‑1111). ‘Ihyau ‘Ululi ‘d-Din. Beirut: Daru'l‑Fikr,1975

Hilli, al‑'Allamah Abu Mansur al‑Hasan ibn Yusuf ibn al‑Mutahhar al (648‑726 / 1256­-1325). Kash fu 'l Haqq. Quoted in its entirety by           ash Shushtari in his Ihqaqu 'l Haqq. (See Fadl. )

 al‑Ba'bu 'l Hadi 'Ashar: Printed‑ with its Sharh (commentary) by al‑Fadil al‑Miqdad. For its English translation, see under Miller.

 Khu i, as‑Sayyid Abu  'l‑Qasim al Musawi al‑. al‑Bayan fi Tafsiri 'l‑Qur'an. Kuwait (4th edition) 1399/1979.

 Majlisi, Muhammad Baqir al (1037‑1110 / 1628­-1699). Biharu ‘l Anwar (New edition in 110 volumes.) Beirut: 3rd edition.

 McCarthy, R.J. "Two Creeds of al‑Ash'ari" (translations of al‑Ash'ari's Maqalatu 'I­Islamiyyin and al‑Ibana 'an Usuil 'd‑Diyanah). Printed as appendix in McCarthy. The Theol­ogy of Al‑Ash'ari (translation of al‑Ash'ari's Kitabu 'l‑Lum'ah). Beirut 1953.

 Miller, WM. Al‑Babu 'l Hadi 'Ashar (English translation). London: Luzac and Co.,1958.

 Nasafi, Najmu 'd‑Din an‑. al‑'Aqa'id (with its Sharh [commentary] by Sa'du 'd‑Din at­Taftazani). Istanbul 1326 A.H. For the English translation of Taftazanis Sharh, see under Elder.

 Nu'mani, Shibli. 'Ilmu 'l‑Kalam. Karachi: 1979.

 Rizvi, S. Saeed Akhtar. God of Islam. Dar‑es­Salaam: Bilal Muslim Mission, 1969; Tehran: Wofis,1978.

 Saduq, Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Babawayh al‑Qummi as‑ (c. 306‑381 /919‑998). Risalatu 'l Itiqadat. Published in a collection entitled as Nususu 'd‑Dirasah. Beirut: al‑A'lami Press, 1408/1988. Its English translation entitled as A Shiite Creed by Asaf A.A. Fyzee was reprinted in 1982 by Wofis, Tehran.

  Shahristani, Muhammad ibn 'Abdu 'l‑Karim ash‑ (d. 548 AH). al‑Milal wa'n‑Nihal. Iran, 3rd edition, 1361 (solar) AH.

 Tabrasi, Abu Mansur Ahmad ibn 'Ali at‑ (d. 620/1223). al‑Ihtijaj. Ed. Muhammad Baqir al‑­Kharsan. Beirut: 1403 / 1983.

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