
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

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Now you know that the knowledge given to the angels is often conditional. For example, they are told by Allah that "If Zayd does this work, he will prosper; and if he opts for that work, he will lose financially. If he goes to this doctor, he will recover from his illness very soon; but if he goes to that doctor, his sickness will increase." One of the most important conditions of prosperity, success and hap­piness is du 'a, praying to God. If Zayd prays to Allah and seeks His help, his affliction will be al­leviated. If he does not seek the help of Allah, he will be left suffering. Thus Allah says, "Say (O Prophet), had it not been for your prayers unto Him, my Lord would care not for you." (25:77)

 Some people have misgivings about du'a'. They think that since Allah knows what is good for us, there is no need to ask for His help or assistance; there is no need for du'a . They say that Allah knows what is best for Zayd and He has already decided how much he is to earn or, for example, whether he will be cured of his illness or not. Therefore, what is the need for du'a ? What purpose will our du'a' serve?

 Such people do not appreciate that may be Allah has made Zayd's earning or health dependent upon his du'a. May be He has ordered the angels to increase his earnings if he prays to Allah for an increase! May be the condition necessary for recovery from his illness is a certain course of treat­ment coupled with sincere du'a' and prayer to Allah. It has been mentioned in many ahadith that one of the things which affect the life of man is du'a'. The other?important thing is his effort and endeavour. We should never minimize the effect and importance of‑dua, or the effect and importance of hard work.

 Of course, if one has already reached his maxi­mum age or maximum livelihood, or if, for example, his sickness is "firmly decreed" to continue, no amount of du’a or effort or treatment can do him any good. But, the point to remember is that nobody knows what is "firmly decreed" concerning his age, livelihood or health. Therefore, we have to do relent­lessly whatever is possible to improve our conditions.

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