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Back You are here: Home Library God The Justice of God A. GOD CAN DO NO WRONG


Chapter 1 

The Actions of God



The Shi'ahs say that hod does nothing which is rationally wrong or evil. [1] I do not use this phrase in the sense that "King makes no mistake." Because "King makes no mistake" actually means that he does nothing at all; he just signs whatever is passed by the parliament. So this tribute is based upon inaction. But "God does no wrong" means that in spite of being active and Omnipotent, God can still not do anything wrong or evil. Why?

 Anyone who commits wrong or injustice does so because of one or more of the following reasons:

 - either he does not know that it is wrong;

- or he needs something which cannot be obtained without wrongdoing;

- or he had been compelled by somebody else to commit that wrong.

 But God is Omniscient and All‑Knowing; He is free from want and is not in need of anything; and He is Omnipotent and nobody can compel Him to do anything. So logically it is impossible for God to do any injustice or wrong.

 The Asha’irah, on the other hand, say that there is no such thing as rational good or evil. Therefore, they say that "whatever God does is good, because

 there is nothing bad for Him or compulsory for Him." [2] 'Abdu 'l‑'Aziz Dehlawi, a famous Sunni scholar, writes, "It is the madhhab of Ahlu's‑Sunnah that nothing is evil for Him; that the things which, if done by human beings or Shaytan, are called evil and for which they are blamed and accursed, are not evil if done by Almighty Allah." [3]

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