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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 54 Tawba (Part One) Repentance of Prophets, increase in remorse

Repentance of Prophets, increase in remorse

Repentance of Prophets, increase in remorse

Tawba is remorse of the heart. The more the remorse, the more easily sins are pardoned. Therefore, beg more and more pardon. The best course is to ponder over the verses of the Holy Qur’an. Especially read the events of the past prophets like Nuh, DawÅ«d, YÅ«nus, Yahya, Ayyub (a.s.). How much they wept while they were not even sinners like us. They wept to attain Allah (S.w.T.)’s nearness and to increase their status. As we have indicated earlier, study the stories of the repentant and obtain lessons therefrom. We shall narrate some such stories at the end of this book.


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