
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

A Question and its Reply

A Question and its Reply

After reading the complete book of Greater Sins people may ask, whether there were any other greater sins, apart from those mentioned in this book? Religious scholars have compiled hundreds of books on Islamic jurisprudence that deal with laws classified under, Prayers, Fast, Hajj, Zakat, Khums, Jihad … Business transaction… marriage etc. Shaykh Hurre Amili has written a book, Bidayatun Nihaya. In it he has dealt with every kind of legal problems. At the end of the book he says that the total number of obligations in the book are 1535 and total prohibitions are 1448 they add up to 2983.

 So there are several other greater sins over and above the fifty mentioned in this book because anything done against any of the rules of Shariah, is considered to be a greater sin. The best practice for an individual to adapt is to exercise caution and not do anything against the rules of Shariah in all areas of activity, be they religious, personal, social or business etc.

The following sins are possibly Greater Sins:

 (1) Consuming Najis things

 (2) Revealing ones nudity before those who can distinguish right and wrong.

 (3) Looking at the sexual organs of the same or the opposite sex

 (4) Men dressing like women / women dressing like men

 (5) Looking at Non-mahram

 (6) Reading letters addressed to others.

 (7) Preserving books that lead to deviation in religion, destroying them is obligatory

 (8) Making idols

 (9) Touching the body of a stranger

 (10)  Praising an oppressor except for Taqaiyyah

 (11)  Staying in an assembly of sin

 (12)  Eating from gold and silver utensils

 (13)  Not participating in congregation prayer and considering it unimportant

 (14)  Acting against any of the rules mentioned in Tauzihul Masael.


[13] A derogatory term for Shias used by their opponents

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